######################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2009, Secure Endpoints Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # RELDIR=lib\wind !include ../../windows/NTMakefile.w32 libwind_OBJs= \ $(OBJ)\bidi.obj \ $(OBJ)\bidi_table.obj \ $(OBJ)\combining.obj \ $(OBJ)\combining_table.obj \ $(OBJ)\errorlist.obj \ $(OBJ)\errorlist_table.obj \ $(OBJ)\map.obj \ $(OBJ)\map_table.obj \ $(OBJ)\ldap.obj \ $(OBJ)\normalize.obj \ $(OBJ)\normalize_table.obj \ $(OBJ)\punycode.obj \ $(OBJ)\stringprep.obj \ $(OBJ)\wind_err.obj \ $(OBJ)\utf8.obj $(LIBWIND): $(libwind_OBJs) $(LIBCON) INCFILES= \ $(INCDIR)\wind.h \ $(INCDIR)\wind_err.h \ $(INCDIR)\map_table.h \ $(INCDIR)\errorlist_table.h \ $(INCDIR)\normalize_table.h \ $(INCDIR)\combining_table.h \ $(INCDIR)\bidi_table.h \ $(INCDIR)\punycode_examples.h $(OBJ)\map_table.h $(OBJ)\map_table.c: rfc3454.txt gen-map.py stringprep.py cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-map.py $(SRCDIR)\rfc3454.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\errorlist_table.h $(OBJ)\errorlist_table.c: rfc3454.txt gen-errorlist.py stringprep.py cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-errorlist.py $(SRCDIR)\rfc3454.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\normalize_table.h $(OBJ)\normalize_table.c: UnicodeData.txt CompositionExclusions-3.2.0.txt gen-normalize.py cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-normalize.py $(SRCDIR)\UnicodeData.txt $(SRCDIR)\CompositionExclusions-3.2.0.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\combining_table.h $(OBJ)\combining_table.c: UnicodeData.txt gen-combining.py cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-combining.py $(SRCDIR)\UnicodeData.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\bidi_table.h $(OBJ)\bidi_table.c: rfc3454.txt gen-bidi.py cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-bidi.py $(SRCDIR)\rfc3454.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\punycode_examples.h $(OBJ)\punycode_examples.c: gen-punycode-examples.py rfc3492.txt cd $(OBJ) $(PYTHON) $(SRCDIR)\gen-punycode-examples.py $(SRCDIR)\rfc3492.txt $(OBJ) cd $(SRCDIR) $(OBJ)\wind_err.c $(OBJ)\wind_err.h: wind_err.et cd $(OBJ) $(BINDIR)\compile_et.exe $(SRCDIR)\wind_err.et cd $(SRCDIR) TEST_BINARIES=\ $(OBJ)\test-bidi.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-map.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-rw.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-normalize.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-prohibited.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-punycode.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-ldap.exe \ $(OBJ)\test-utf8.exe {$(OBJ)}.c{$(OBJ)}.obj:: $(C2OBJ_P) -I$(SRCDIR) {$(OBJ)}.obj{$(OBJ)}.exe: $(EXECONLINK) $(LIBHEIMDAL) $(LIBROKEN) $(EXEPREP_NODIST) $(OBJ)\test-bidi.exe: $(OBJ)\test-bidi.obj $(OBJ)\test-map.exe: $(OBJ)\test-map.obj $(OBJ)\test-rw.exe: $(OBJ)\test-rw.obj $(OBJ)\test-normalize.exe: $(OBJ)\test-normalize.obj $(OBJ)\test-prohibited.exe: $(OBJ)\test-prohibited.obj $(OBJ)\test-punycode.exe: $(OBJ)\test-punycode.obj $(OBJ)\punycode_examples.obj $(OBJ)\test-ldap.exe: $(OBJ)\test-ldap.obj $(OBJ)\test-utf8.exe: $(OBJ)\test-utf8.obj test-binaries: $(TEST_BINARIES) test-run: cd $(OBJ) -test-bidi.exe -test-map.exe -test-rw.exe -test-normalize.exe $(SRCDIR)\NormalizationTest.txt -test-prohibited.exe -test-punycode.exe -test-ldap.exe -test-utf8.exe cd $(SRCDIR) all:: $(INCFILES) $(LIBWIND) clean:: -$(RM) $(LIBWIND) -$(RM) $(INCFILES) test:: test-binaries test-run test-exports: $(PERL) ..\..\cf\w32-check-exported-symbols.pl --vs version-script.map --def libwind-exports.def test:: test-exports