arduino (1:1.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * debian/patches/arduino_protocol_avrdude_510.patch removed, applied upstream arduino (1:1.0~beta1+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream beta release * Added new icons for hicolor theme * refreshed patches * Fix for Ethernet library with gcc-avr 4.5.3 (Closes: #645321, LP: #865266) avogadro (1.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control (Build-Depends): Added libgl2ps-dev. * debian/patches/link_to_libgl2ps.patch: Added. - Link with -lgl2ps instead of compiling and linking the internal copy. * debian/patches/series: Adjusted. avogadro (1.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Michael Banck ] * debian/copyright: Explicitly state the 3-clause BSD license for the cmake module files. * debian/rules, debian/control: Convert to dh_python2, thanks to Barry Warsaw (Closes: #616742) * debian/patches/nwchem_input_ccsd.patch: New patch, fixes NWChem input extension input file generation for the CCSD method. [ Daniel Leidert ] * debian/avogadro.install: Install missing avopkg tool. * debian/compat: Increased dh compatibility level. * debian/control: Set X-Python-Version to 'current'. Use wrap-and-sort for *Depends* and Uploaders. (Build-Depends): Removed cdbs and patchutils. Increased required debhelper version. (Standards-Version): Bumped to 3.9.2. (Vcs-Browser): Point to real location. (Description): Fixed a typo reported by lintian. (Conflicts): Changed conflicts-with-version warning into Breaks. * debian/copyright: Minor update. * debian/pycompat: Dropped obsolete file. * debian/rules: Rewritten for debhelper 7. * debian/patches/nwchem_input_ccsd.patch: Added patch documentation. * debian/patches/series: Added. awesome-extra (2011120501) unstable; urgency=low * Update shifty + This version has the fix for renaming (Closes: #619635) * Update vicious * Update wicked * Add dependency on curl for vivious hddtemp.lua (Closes: #651011) * Add revelation in long description * Do not install LICENSE file (Closes: #582215) bitstormlite (0.2q-2) unstable; urgency=low * Moved to Source Format Quilt. * debian/patches/ld_as-needed_FTFBS_fix.patch: - added to prevent a FTBFS with ld --as-needed. Thanks Andreas Moog for the patch. (Closes: #631322) * General package's cleanup: - copyright moved to DEP-5. - bumped Standards-Version to latest. - AUTHORS and ABOUT-NLS files won't be installed anymore as docs. bobcat (2.20.01-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release calibre (0.8.28+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * debian/rules get-orig-source: Upstream switched to *.tar.xz, update accordingly. * New upstream release. console-common (0.7.87) unstable; urgency=low * Drop dependency on $remote_fs that accidentally leaked in 0.7.86 init script. Closes: #650995 console-common (0.7.86) unstable; urgency=low * Drop splashy-related code in /etc/init.d/ This will also allow /run transition Closes: #633048 * Debconf translations: - Danish (Joe Hansen). Closes: #599849 * Add init.d status support. Thanks to Peter Eisentraut for the patch. Closes: #642054 * Add build-arch and build-indep targets in debian/rules * Bump Standards to 3.9.2 (checked) * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8 db4.8 (4.8.30-11) unstable; urgency=low * Remove generic -ldb linkability from the package * Add debian/NEWS about -ldb removal debirf (0.32) unstable; urgency=low [ Daniel Kahn Gillmor ] * make rootfs mode 0755 (Closes: #622808) * add several good packages for rescue module (Closes: #644576) Thanks, Matt Taggart! * updated debian/copyright to latest DEP5 spec * Standards-Version: 3.9.2 (no changes needed) [ Jameson Graef Rollins ] * remove dependency on busybox * fix builds for sid/sid and stable/stable (cross builds are still not working, unfortunately) * remove aptitude from image * other minor bug fixes dotur (1.53-2) unstable; urgency=low [ A. Costa ] * Corrected typo in dotur.1 manual page (Closes: #650470). [ Thorsten Alteholz ] * debian/rules: target get-orig-source added * debian/watch: new upstream url added dpatch (2.0.34) unstable; urgency=high * The magic that was supposed to reset the timestamps of patched files failed to take the --workdir option into account. This has now been corrected. (Closes: #651948) Urgency high because this bug breaks any build that uses --workdir, and has patchutils installed. drush (4.5-5) unstable; urgency=low * Depend on the newly uploaded php-console-table fonts-horai-umefont (434-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release fonts-hosny-amiri (0.100-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Removed doc-clean.diff patch as it is included upstream. * debian/rules: Target to build documentation is renamed to doc * debian/docs: Documentation got renamed to amiri-table.pdf * debian/control: + Updated homepage URL + Marked font-hosny-amiri as oldlibs/extra gcc-4.6 (4.6.2-7) unstable; urgency=medium * Update to SVN 20111210 (r182189) from the gcc-4_6-branch. - Fix PR rtl-optimization/51469, PR tree-optimization/51466, PR tree-optimization/50078, PR target/51408, PR fortran/51310, PR fortran/51448. gcc-4.6 (4.6.2-6) unstable; urgency=low * Update to SVN 20111208 (r182120) from the gcc-4_6-branch. - Fix PR c++/51265, PR bootstrap/50888, PR target/51393 (ix86), PR target/51002 (AVR), PR target/51345 (AVR), PR debug/48190, PR fortran/50684, PR fortran/51218, PR target/50906 (closes: #650318), PR tree-optimization/51315 (closes: #635126), PR tree-optimization/50622, PR fortran/51435, PR debug/51410, PR c/51339, PR rtl-optimization/48721, PR middle-end/51323 (LP: #897583), PR middle-end/50074, PR middle-end/50074. [ Matthias Klose ] * Run the libstdc++ testsuite on all architectures again. Closes: #622699. * Apply proposed patch for PR target/50906 (powerpcspe only). Closes: #650318. * Fix PR target/49030 (ARM), taken from Linaro. Closes: #633479. * Fix PR target/50193 (ARM), taken from Linaro. Closes: #642127. * Install the file. LP: #883269. * Fix PR c++/50114, backport from trunk. LP: #827806. * Merge changes to allow gcc-snapshot cross builds, taken from Linaro. * Update the Linaro support to the 4.6 branch. [ Marcin Juszkiewicz ] * Fix issues with gcc-snapshot cross builds. * Allow building Linaro binary packages in a single package. * Apply hardening patches for cross builds when enabled for native builds. gecrit (2.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Install files in private directory instead of as a public Python module. gmic ( unstable; urgency=low * [97e3ecbd] Merge commit 'upstream/' gst-qa-system (0.0+git20110920.4750a8e8-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) ] * New upstream release * Change git url to - Update debian/copyright Source field. - Update debian/control Homepage field [ David Laban ] * Split insanityweb into its own package * Git snapshot of fd.o master. gtk-im-libthai (0.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Switch to Multiarch for gtk3: - debian/gtk3-im-libthai.install: Install immodule at gtk+3 Multiarch dir (Closes: #651087) - Bump B-Dep on libgtk-3-dev to (>= 3.2.2-3), for Multiarch libdir * Switch from im-switch to im-config (See #649188, #650244): - Replace the deprecated im-switch Recommends with im-config (>= 0.6) - debian/gtk[3]-im-libthai.preinst: Clean up old im-switch conffiles and xinput-th_TH alternatives links - debian/gtk[3]-im-libthai.{postinst,prerm}: Removed, as im-switch xinput-th_TH alternatives are now gone gtk-nodoka-engine (0.7.0-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix "FTBFS: nodoka_style.c:1279: undefined reference to `sqrt'": add patch from Ubuntu / Micah Gersten: - Add -lm to LIBS to fix FTBFS (LP: #858750) + update debian/rules (Closes: #640439) guile-1.8-non-dfsg (1.8.8+1-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix "guile-1.8-non-dfsg fails to build from source in unstable": apply patch from Ubuntu / Matthias Klose: fix dh_autoreconf invocation, and rm -f dir file which may or may not be installed. (Closes: #639991, LP: #831408) hunspell-ru (0~20111201-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release hunspell-ru (0~20111101-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Updated watch file for new upstream naming scheme icecast2 (2.3.2-8) unstable; urgency=low [ Alessio Treglia ] * Team upload. * debian/icecast2.1: Escape minus sign "-". * Fix lintian's debian-news-entry-uses-asterisk warning. [ Christian Perrier ] * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n- english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #640085 * [Debconf translation updates] * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n- english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #640085 * [Debconf translation updates] * Vietnamese (Hung Tran). Closes: #640674 * Swedish (Martin Bagge / brother). Closes: #640708 * Russian (Yuri Kozlov). Closes: #641026 * French (Julien Patriarca). Closes: #641142 * Portuguese (Rui Branco). Closes: #641159, #641158 * German (Erik Pfannenstein). Closes: #641048 * Spanish; (SM Baby Siabef). Closes: #642067 * Dutch; (Jeroen Schot). Closes: #642289 * Czech (Michal Simunek). Closes: #642332 * Danish (Joe Hansen). Closes: #642334 krb5 (1.10+dfsg~alpha1-6) unstable; urgency=low * Fix segfault with unknown hostnames in krb5_sname_to_principal, Closes: #650671 * Indicate that this library breaks libsmbclient versions that depend on krb5_locate_kdc, Closes: #650603, #650611 krb5 (1.10+dfsg~alpha1-5) unstable; urgency=low * Add texinfo back to build depends: policy has been subverted by the evil forces of wishful thinking and forward progress krb5 (1.10+dfsg~alpha1-4) unstable; urgency=low * Add kadmind and krb5kdc pidfiles, Closes: #550781 * Respect locale in time display, Closes: #138430 * Status action for init scripts, Thanks Yukio Shiiya, Closes: #645363, #645364 * Fix dependencies for krb5-kdc * Add dpkg-buildflags support * Initial build-arch and build-indep support: currently build-indep depends on build-arch but that's OK as a starting point krb5 (1.10+dfsg~alpha1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release - mit-krb5-sa-2011-006, Closes: #646367 - Install k5login.5 not just .k5login.5, Closes: #623068 - Fixes LDAP file descriptor leak, Closes: #561176 * Updated translations: - French, Thanks Christian Perrier, Closes: #630827 - Catalan, Thanks Innocent De Marchi, Closes: #632208 * Update to krb5-1-10 branch of 2011-11-28 ktorrent (4.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Bump debhelper compat level to 9 and require debhelper 8.9.0 in order to gain transparent support for dpkg-buildflags in dh/dh_auto_*. * Reorder dh options in compat=8 compatible way. ktorrent (4.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Add krosspython to ktorrent Suggests. * Require libktorrent-dev 1.1.2. kup (0.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #648896) libanyevent-httpd-perl (0.93-3) unstable; urgency=low * Add AnyEvent::HTTP to build-depends. libanyevent-httpd-perl (0.93-2) unstable; urgency=low * Add nessesary depends. libcgi-application-plugin-ajaxupload-perl (0.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low * Tightened dependencies from bundle to spinoff package * Raised debhelper version and compat level to 8 * Added lintian override concerning DEP-5 format libdata-alias-perl (1.16-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 1.16 * Update d/copyright to latest .174 revision * Removed 0001-Save-types-have-been-stored-in-UVs-on-the-save-stack.patch * Fixed libdata-alias-perl source: comma-separated-files-in-dep5-copyright lintian message * Update years for Module::Install in d/copyright libktorrent (1.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Bump debhelper compat level to 9 and require debhelper 8.9.0 in order to gain support for transparent dpkg-buildflags handling in dh/dh_auto_*. * Update symbol file (for 1.1.2/ia64, 1.1.2/sparc), fixes FTBFSes. * Update symbol file for 1.1.3/amd64, source changes. libktorrent (1.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Update symbol file. liblognorm (0.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.3.2 * Convert to DH version 8 * Update symbols file libsvn-hooks-perl (1.11-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Angel Abad ] * Imported Upstream version 1.11 [ gregor herrmann ] * Install the new examples (with the x bit stripped, they are just snippets). libv8 ( unstable; urgency=low * v8_use_arm_eabi_hardfloat must be passed in GYPFLAGS, this should fix armhf build. * Ubuntu vendor needs different armel architecture settings. libv8 ( unstable; urgency=low * Fix build failures for arm: + arm_neon=0 for armhf + vfp3=off for armel Closes: bug#650548 libv8 ( unstable; urgency=low * Set -Wno-unused-but-set-variable, i386 build fail otherwise. Closes: bug#650547 * Remove mipsel from architectures. Will be re-enabled when upstream really supports it. Closes: bug#650549 * Disable default arm flags (debian/0014_disable_armv7_defaults.patch) and set them properly for armel and armhf, using GYPFLAGS variable in debian/rules. Closes: bug#650548 * Remove 0009_unaligned_access_armel.patch, never proved it was needed. * Remove -fvisibility=hidden flag, applied upstream. * CCFLAGS are ignored by the build system, use CXXFLAGS instead. libv8 ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Jérémy Lal ] * Build using gyp (instead of deprecated scons build): + removed scons patches + added gyp patches to achieve the same result. * Remove mipsel architecture, not yet supported upstream. * Tests are run using d8 instead of shell. * Allow parallel builds. * Update watch file: Track 3.5.x releases. libxalan2-java (2.7.1-7) unstable; urgency=low [Jakub Adam] * Add OSGi metadata to jar manifest * Add javahelper to Build-Depends * Add Jakub Adam to Uploaders. * Require libstylebook-java (>> 1.0~b3~svn20061109-4) in Build-Depends because of FTBFS with this version. [tony mancill] * Drop recommends on -gcj packages. (Closes: #651047) - Thanks to Martin Pitt. * Update Vcs-Svn URL. * Bump standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes). libxalan2-java (2.7.1-6) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload * Do no longer build the *-gcj packages. * Remove Arnaud from Uploaders list. * Switch to source format 3.0. logrotate (3.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release + Changes in 3.8.0 fix build problems on non-POSIX architectures (Closes: #632501) + New config options: dateyesterday, maxsize, su. (See manpage.) (maxsize Closes: #635184) * New patch: + man-compressext-576362.patch. Correct manpage about compressext, compressoptions behaviour. (Closes: #576362) * debian/logrotate.README.Debian: update now that rsyslog is default for new installs. (Closes: #649598) * Incidentally, rsyslog is now default syslog, and that doesn't use savelog but makes use of logrotate. (Closes: #379843) * Install logrotate.conf.5 (a redirect to logrotate.8) (Closes: #182261) * debian/control: depend on cron-daemon as an alternative to cron. (Closes: #334137) * lintian warning fix: move debian/logrotate.copyright to debian/copyright * debian/control: add Breaks: postgresql-common (<= 126) as its config file requires an "su". Postgres maintainer is aware and awaits this upload. * Upload to unstable. (Closes: #648025) logrotate (3.8.0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release (Closes: #633529) + Fixes for CVE-2011-1098, CVE-2011-1154, and CVE-2011-1155 (Closes: #639302) + dateformat sorting noted in manpage (Closes: #580054) * Changed debian/control to use [linux-any] in Build-Depends. (Closes: #634704) * Removed patches: + create-388608.patch: Upstream has fixed this. + nofollow.patch: Upstream has fixed this. + security-388608.patch: Upstream has fixed this. + FTBFS-hurd-613342.patch: Adopted upstream. (Closes: #613342) logrotate (3.7.9-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * New patch: + FTBFS-hurd-613342.patch. Half of a fix to #613342. Unfortunately the rest of the supplied patch leaks memory badly. * Removed patches: - deb-taboos.patch (applied upstream) - ucf-taboos.patch (applied upstream) - compressutime.patch (applied upstream) - rh-toolarge.patch (upstream does things a different way) - rh-curdir2.patch (applied upstream) - parser571033.patch (applied upstream) * Added build-arch/build-indep targets to debian/rules. * Update standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes). magnus (20060324-7) unstable; urgency=low * QA upload * debian/control: changed build-dependency on gs-common to ghostscript Thanks to Miguel de Val Borro for the patch. (closes: #649708). maloc (0.2-2.3) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * debian/patches/format-security.diff: New patch to fix build when -Werror=format-security is enabled. (Closes: #643441) modello-maven-plugin1.4 (1.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - based on modello modello-maven-plugin package. - require new source package to avoid conflict between Maven 2 / Maven 3. modello1.4 (1.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - based on modello source package. - require new source package to avoid conflict between Maven 2 / Maven 3. nova (2012.1~e1-4) unstable; urgency=high * Added security patch. CVE-2011-4596 pidgin (2.10.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Imported Upstream version 2.10.1 - Fixes remotely-triggered crash in XMPP/Jingle - Fixes remotely-triggered crash in AIM/ICQ (CVE-2011-4601) - Fixes remotely-triggered crash in SILC (CVE-2011-3594) * add NEWS to installed docs * nm09-more.patch: change deprecated Network Manager signal name (Closes: #642117) plasma-widget-yawp (0.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low The "Lost in the Mist" release. * New upstream release. * debian/watch: Removed some default comments to fix debian-watch-contains-dh_make-template. * debian/patches/Fix_FTBFS_add-missing-include-dir.patch: Removed, fixed upstream. * debian/plasma-dataengines-yawp.install: Removed satellite_map.conf, it's gone again. * debian/docs: Removed README.ion_accuweather, gone alongside the satellite_map.conf. postgresql-8.4 (8.4.10-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bug fix release: - Fix bugs in information_schema.referential_constraints view. This view was being insufficiently careful about matching the foreign-key constraint to the depended-on primary or unique key constraint. That could result in failure to show a foreign key constraint at all, or showing it multiple times, or claiming that it depends on a different constraint than the one it really does. Since the view definition is installed by initdb, merely upgrading will not fix the problem. If you need to fix this in an existing installation, you can (as a superuser) drop the information_schema schema then re-create it by sourcing "SHAREDIR/information_schema.sql". (Run pg_config --sharedir if you're uncertain where "SHAREDIR" is.) This must be repeated in each database to be fixed. - Fix incorrect replay of WAL records for GIN index updates. This could result in transiently failing to find index entries after a crash, or on a hot-standby server. The problem would be repaired by the next "VACUUM" of the index, however. - Fix TOAST-related data corruption during CREATE TABLE dest AS SELECT - FROM src or INSERT INTO dest SELECT * FROM src. If a table has been modified by "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN", attempts to copy its data verbatim to another table could produce corrupt results in certain corner cases. The problem can only manifest in this precise form in 8.4 and later, but we patched earlier versions as well in case there are other code paths that could trigger the same bug. - Fix race condition during toast table access from stale syscache entries. - Track dependencies of functions on items used in parameter default expressions. Previously, a referenced object could be dropped without having dropped or modified the function, leading to misbehavior when the function was used. Note that merely installing this update will not fix the missing dependency entries; to do that, you'd need to "CREATE OR REPLACE" each such function afterwards. If you have functions whose defaults depend on non-built-in objects, doing so is recommended. - Allow inlining of set-returning SQL functions with multiple OUT parameters. - Make DatumGetInetP() unpack inet datums that have a 1-byte header, and add a new macro, DatumGetInetPP(), that does not. - Improve locale support in money type's input and output. Aside from not supporting all standard lc_monetary formatting options, the input and output functions were inconsistent, meaning there were locales in which dumped money values could not be re-read. - Don't let transform_null_equals affect CASE foo WHEN NULL ... constructs. transform_null_equals is only supposed to affect foo = NULL expressions written directly by the user, not equality checks generated internally by this form of CASE. - Change foreign-key trigger creation order to better support self-referential foreign keys. For a cascading foreign key that references its own table, a row update will fire both the ON UPDATE trigger and the CHECK trigger as one event. The ON UPDATE trigger must execute first, else the CHECK will check a non-final state of the row and possibly throw an inappropriate error. However, the firing order of these triggers is determined by their names, which generally sort in creation order since the triggers have auto-generated names following the convention "RI_ConstraintTrigger_NNNN". A proper fix would require modifying that convention, which we will do in 9.2, but it seems risky to change it in existing releases. So this patch just changes the creation order of the triggers. Users encountering this type of error should drop and re-create the foreign key constraint to get its triggers into the right order. - Avoid floating-point underflow while tracking buffer allocation rate. - Preserve blank lines within commands in psql's command history. The former behavior could cause problems if an empty line was removed from within a string literal, for example. - Fix pg_dump to dump user-defined casts between auto-generated types, such as table rowtypes. - Use the preferred version of xsubpp to build PL/Perl, not necessarily the operating system's main copy. - Fix incorrect coding in "contrib/dict_int" and "contrib/dict_xsyn". - Honor query cancel interrupts promptly in pgstatindex(). - Ensure VPATH builds properly install all server header files. - Shorten file names reported in verbose error messages. Regular builds have always reported just the name of the C file containing the error message call, but VPATH builds formerly reported an absolute path name. postgresql-9.0 (9.0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bug fix release. - Fix bugs in information_schema.referential_constraints view. This view was being insufficiently careful about matching the foreign-key constraint to the depended-on primary or unique key constraint. That could result in failure to show a foreign key constraint at all, or showing it multiple times, or claiming that it depends on a different constraint than the one it really does. Since the view definition is installed by initdb, merely upgrading will not fix the problem. If you need to fix this in an existing installation, you can (as a superuser) drop the information_schema schema then re-create it by sourcing "SHAREDIR/information_schema.sql". (Run pg_config --sharedir if you're uncertain where "SHAREDIR" is.) This must be repeated in each database to be fixed. - Fix possible crash during "UPDATE" or "DELETE" that joins to the output of a scalar-returning function. A crash could only occur if the target row had been concurrently updated, so this problem surfaced only intermittently. - Fix incorrect replay of WAL records for GIN index updates. This could result in transiently failing to find index entries after a crash, or on a hot-standby server. The problem would be repaired by the next "VACUUM" of the index, however. - Fix TOAST-related data corruption during CREATE TABLE dest AS SELECT - FROM src or INSERT INTO dest SELECT * FROM src. If a table has been modified by "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN", attempts to copy its data verbatim to another table could produce corrupt results in certain corner cases. The problem can only manifest in this precise form in 8.4 and later, but we patched earlier versions as well in case there are other code paths that could trigger the same bug. - Fix possible failures during hot standby startup. - Start hot standby faster when initial snapshot is incomplete. - Fix race condition during toast table access from stale syscache entries. The typical symptom was transient errors like "missing chunk number 0 for toast value NNNNN in pg_toast_2619", where the cited toast table would always belong to a system catalog. - Track dependencies of functions on items used in parameter default expressions. Previously, a referenced object could be dropped without having dropped or modified the function, leading to misbehavior when the function was used. Note that merely installing this update will not fix the missing dependency entries; to do that, you'd need to "CREATE OR REPLACE" each such function afterwards. If you have functions whose defaults depend on non-built-in objects, doing so is recommended. - Allow inlining of set-returning SQL functions with multiple OUT parameters. - Don't trust deferred-unique indexes for join removal. A deferred uniqueness constraint might not hold intra-transaction, so assuming that it does could give incorrect query results. - Make DatumGetInetP() unpack inet datums that have a 1-byte header, and add a new macro, DatumGetInetPP(), that does not. This change affects no core code, but might prevent crashes in add-on code that expects DatumGetInetP() to produce an unpacked datum as per usual convention. - Improve locale support in money type's input and output. Aside from not supporting all standard lc_monetary formatting options, the input and output functions were inconsistent, meaning there were locales in which dumped money values could not be re-read. - Don't let transform_null_equals affect CASE foo WHEN NULL ... constructs. - Change foreign-key trigger creation order to better support self-referential foreign keys. For a cascading foreign key that references its own table, a row update will fire both the ON UPDATE trigger and the CHECK trigger as one event. The ON UPDATE trigger must execute first, else the CHECK will check a non-final state of the row and possibly throw an inappropriate error. However, the firing order of these triggers is determined by their names, which generally sort in creation order since the triggers have auto-generated names following the convention "RI_ConstraintTrigger_NNNN". A proper fix would require modifying that convention, which we will do in 9.2, but it seems risky to change it in existing releases. So this patch just changes the creation order of the triggers. Users encountering this type of error should drop and re-create the foreign key constraint to get its triggers into the right order. - Avoid floating-point underflow while tracking buffer allocation rate. - Fix incorrect field alignment in ecpg's SQLDA area. - Preserve blank lines within commands in psql's command history. The former behavior could cause problems if an empty line was removed from within a string literal, for example. - Fix pg_dump to dump user-defined casts between auto-generated types, such as table rowtypes. - Assorted fixes for pg_upgrade. Handle exclusion constraints correctly, don't complain about mismatched toast table names in 8.4 databases. - Use the preferred version of xsubpp to build PL/Perl, not necessarily the operating system's main copy. - Fix incorrect coding in "contrib/dict_int" and "contrib/dict_xsyn". - Fix assorted errors in "contrib/unaccent"'s configuration file parsing. - Honor query cancel interrupts promptly in pgstatindex(). - Ensure VPATH builds properly install all server header files. - Shorten file names reported in verbose error messages. Regular builds have always reported just the name of the C file containing the error message call, but VPATH builds formerly reported an absolute path name. postgresql-9.1 (9.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bug fix release: - Fix bugs in information_schema.referential_constraints view. This view was being insufficiently careful about matching the foreign-key constraint to the depended-on primary or unique key constraint. That could result in failure to show a foreign key constraint at all, or showing it multiple times, or claiming that it depends on a different constraint than the one it really does. Since the view definition is installed by initdb, merely upgrading will not fix the problem. If you need to fix this in an existing installation, you can (as a superuser) drop the information_schema schema then re-create it by sourcing "SHAREDIR/information_schema.sql". (Run pg_config --sharedir if you're uncertain where "SHAREDIR" is.) This must be repeated in each database to be fixed. - Make "contrib/citext"'s upgrade script fix collations of citext columns and indexes. Existing citext columns and indexes aren't correctly marked as being of a collatable data type during pg_upgrade from a pre-9.1 server. That leads to operations on them failing with errors such as "could not determine which collation to use for string comparison". This change allows them to be fixed by the same script that upgrades the citext module into a proper 9.1 extension during CREATE EXTENSION citext FROM unpackaged. If you have a previously-upgraded database that is suffering from this problem, and you already ran the "CREATE EXTENSION" command, you can manually run (as superuser) the "UPDATE" commands found at the end of "SHAREDIR/extension/citext--unpackaged--1.0.sql". (Run pg_config --sharedir if you're uncertain where "SHAREDIR" is.) - Fix possible crash during "UPDATE" or "DELETE" that joins to the output of a scalar-returning function. - Fix incorrect replay of WAL records for GIN index updates. - Fix TOAST-related data corruption during CREATE TABLE dest AS SELECT - FROM src or INSERT INTO dest SELECT * FROM src. - Fix possible failures during hot standby startup. - Start hot standby faster when initial snapshot is incomplete. - Fix race condition during toast table access from stale syscache entries. The typical symptom was transient errors like "missing chunk number 0 for toast value NNNNN in pg_toast_2619", where the cited toast table would always belong to a system catalog. - Track dependencies of functions on items used in parameter default expressions. Previously, a referenced object could be dropped without having dropped or modified the function, leading to misbehavior when the function was used. Note that merely installing this update will not fix the missing dependency entries; to do that, you'd need to "CREATE OR REPLACE" each such function afterwards. If you have functions whose defaults depend on non-built-in objects, doing so is recommended. - Fix incorrect management of placeholder variables in nestloop joins. This bug is known to lead to "variable not found in subplan target list" planner errors, and could possibly result in wrong query output when outer joins are involved. - Fix window functions that sort by expressions involving aggregates. - Fix "MergeAppend child's targetlist doesn't match MergeAppend" planner errors. - Fix index matching for operators with both collatable and noncollatable inputs. In 9.1.0, an indexable operator that has a non-collatable left-hand input type and a collatable right-hand input type would not be recognized as matching the left-hand column's index. An example is the hstore ? text operator. - Allow inlining of set-returning SQL functions with multiple OUT parameters. - Don't trust deferred-unique indexes for join removal. - Make DatumGetInetP() unpack inet datums that have a 1-byte header, and add a new macro, DatumGetInetPP(), that does not. - Improve locale support in money type's input and output. Aside from not supporting all standard lc_monetary formatting options, the input and output functions were inconsistent, meaning there were locales in which dumped money values could not be re-read. - Don't let transform_null_equals affect CASE foo WHEN NULL ... constructs. transform_null_equals is only supposed to affect foo = NULL expressions written directly by the user, not equality checks generated internally by this form of CASE. - Change foreign-key trigger creation order to better support self-referential foreign keys. - Fix IF EXISTS to work correctly in "DROP OPERATOR FAMILY". - Disallow dropping of an extension from within its own script. - Don't mark auto-generated types as extension members. - Cope with invalid pre-existing search_path settings during "CREATE EXTENSION". - Avoid floating-point underflow while tracking buffer allocation rate. - Prevent autovacuum transactions from running in serializable mode. Autovacuum formerly used the cluster-wide default transaction isolation level, but there is no need for it to use anything higher than READ COMMITTED, and using SERIALIZABLE could result in unnecessary delays for other processes. - Ensure walsender processes respond promptly to SIGTERM. - Exclude "postmaster.opts" from base backups. - Fix incorrect field alignment in ecpg's SQLDA area. - Preserve blank lines within commands in psql's command history. The former behavior could cause problems if an empty line was removed from within a string literal, for example. - Avoid platform-specific infinite loop in pg_dump. - Fix compression of plain-text output format in pg_dump. pg_dump has historically understood -Z with no -F switch to mean that it should emit a gzip-compressed version of its plain text output. Restore that behavior. - Fix pg_dump to dump user-defined casts between auto-generated types, such as table rowtypes. - Fix missed quoting of foreign server names in pg_dump. - Assorted fixes for pg_upgrade. Handle exclusion constraints correctly, avoid failures on Windows, don't complain about mismatched toast table names in 8.4 databases. - In PL/pgSQL, allow foreign tables to define row types. - Fix up conversions of PL/Perl functions' results. Restore the pre-9.1 behavior that PL/Perl functions returning void ignore the result value of their last Perl statement; 9.1.0 would throw an error if that statement returned a reference. Also, make sure it works to return a string value for a composite type, so long as the string meets the type's input format. In addition, throw errors for attempts to return Perl arrays or hashes when the function's declared result type is not an array or composite type, respectively. (Pre-9.1 versions rather uselessly returned strings like ARRAY(0x221a9a0) or HASH(0x221aa90) in such cases.) - Ensure PL/Perl strings are always correctly UTF8-encoded. - Use the preferred version of xsubpp to build PL/Perl, not necessarily the operating system's main copy. - Correctly propagate SQLSTATE in PL/Python exceptions. - Do not install PL/Python extension files for Python major versions other than the one built against. - Change all the "contrib" extension script files to report a useful error message if they are fed to psql. This should help teach people about the new method of using "CREATE EXTENSION" to load these files. In most cases, sourcing the scripts directly would fail anyway, but with harder-to-interpret messages. - Fix incorrect coding in "contrib/dict_int" and "contrib/dict_xsyn". - Remove "contrib/sepgsql" tests from the regular regression test mechanism. Since these tests require root privileges for setup, they're impractical to run automatically. Switch over to a manual approach instead, and provide a testing script to help with that. - Fix assorted errors in "contrib/unaccent"'s configuration file parsing. - Honor query cancel interrupts promptly in pgstatindex(). - Revert unintentional enabling of WAL_DEBUG. Fortunately, as debugging tools go, this one is pretty cheap; but it's not intended to be enabled by default, so revert. - Ensure VPATH builds properly install all server header files. - Shorten file names reported in verbose error messages. Regular builds have always reported just the name of the C file containing the error message call, but VPATH builds formerly reported an absolute path name. * debian/rules: Fix build failure for binary-indep-only builds. (Closes: #646079) postgresql-common (127) unstable; urgency=low * debian/backport-ppa: Add oneiric. * logrotate 3.8 landed in unstable, rebuild against this to get a proper logrotate config snippet and adjust the depends/breaks. (See Debian #640493) * debian/rules: Fix logrotate dependency generation logic to only consider the most recent logrotate version. prison (1.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Philip Muškovac ] * Initial release. (Closes: #637083) * Repack upstream tarball to include the license text of the cmake scripts. pyamf (0.6.1+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. * Empty list initialization patch to stay compliant with recent cython 0.15.1 (Closes: #642785) pysvn (1.7.5-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non maintainer upload. * Drop the not needed build dependency on libsvncpp-dev. pysvn (1.7.5-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Henry Velez ] * New maintainer. Closes: #611062 * New upstream release [ Matthias Klose ] * Build using subversion multiarch location. * Use dpkg-buildflags. python-distutils-extra (2.31-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: Move from python{,3}-gobject to -gi. s390-netdevice (0.0.30) unstable; urgency=low [ Philipp Kern ] * Add a "virtio" entry to the network device configuration that does nothing, as the interface will already be configured (but not up) in that case. * Fix configuration union access in confirm_qeth. * Add myself as uploader. [ Updated translations ] * Bulgarian (bg.po) by Damyan Ivanov * German (de.po) by Holger Wansing * Esperanto (eo.po) by Felipe Castro * Basque (eu.po) by Piarres Beobide * French (fr.po) by Christian Perrier * Hebrew (he.po) by Lior Kaplan * Hindi (hi.po) by Kumar Appaiah * Italian (it.po) by Milo Casagrande * Japanese (ja.po) by Kenshi Muto * Kannada (kn.po) by vignesh prabhu * Korean (ko.po) by Changwoo Ryu * Macedonian (mk.po) by Arangel Angov * Bokmål, Norwegian (nb.po) by Hans Fredrik Nordhaug * Dutch (nl.po) by Jeroen Schot * Polish (pl.po) by Marcin Owsiany * Portuguese (pt.po) by Miguel Figueiredo * Romanian (ro.po) by Ioan Eugen Stan * Russian (ru.po) by Yuri Kozlov * Sinhala (si.po) by Danishka Navin * Slovak (sk.po) by Ivan Masár * Serbian (sr.po) by Karolina Kalic * Swedish (sv.po) by Daniel Nylander * Thai (th.po) by Theppitak Karoonboonyanan * Uyghur (ug.po) by Sahran * Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.po) by YunQiang Su samba (2:3.6.1-3) unstable; urgency=low [ Sam Hartman ] * Increase libkrb5-dev dependency to avoid depending on krb5_locate_kdc, Closes: #650541 [ Steve Langasek ] * Fix the libpam-winbind description to more accurately identify the protocols being used by nss_wins. Closes: #650091. samba (2:3.6.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Merge changes from 3.5.11~dfsg-4 and unreleased -5 in unstable branch * debian/patches/initialize_password_db-null-deref: Avoid null dereference in initialize_password_db(). Closes LP: #829221. * Mark samba-common Multi-Arch: foreign. samba (2:3.6.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release samba (2:3.6.0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * Resync with packaging changes in 3.5 branch between 3.5.8~dfsg1 and 3.5.11~dfsg-1 * Drop wbc_async.h from libwbclient-dev as, according to upstream's commit c0a7c9f99188ebb3cd27094b9364449bcc2f80d8, " its only user is smbtorture3" samba (2:3.6.0~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream version samba (2:3.6.0~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream version samba (2:3.6.0~rc1-2) experimental; urgency=low * Use --with-nmbdsocketdir=/var/run/samba to have nmbd socket file in an existing directory. Closes: #628121 samba (2:3.6.0~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release samba (2:3.6.0~pre3-1) experimental; urgency=low [ Christian Perrier ] * New upstream release * add "#include "fcntl.h"" to idmap_tdb2.c to get it compiled * samba-doc-pdf: add Samba3-HOWTO.pdf from pre1 as it was forgotten upstream * libwbclient0.symbols: dropped several symbols related to asynchronous actions that weren't working anyway (according to Kai Blin at SambaXP) [ Mathieu Parent ] * Build against libctdb-dev (>= 1.10+git20110412) to have required control: CTDB_CONTROL_SCHEDULE_FOR_DELETION. semanticscuttle (0.98.3+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=low * port to the 1.8 jquery release in Debian: * properly include JQuery UI CSS files in the apache config (with an alias) * properly include the JQuery UI javascript files (with a symlink) semanticscuttle (0.98.3+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low * patch: do not ship source-less .swf files until either: 1. upstream ships the source files, or; 2. we package in a separate source package semanticscuttle (0.98.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * patch: fix the musicplayer path * document properly all licenses used in the distribution * document how to get the source for the .swf files semanticscuttle (0.98.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #649455) slrn (1.0.0~pre18-1.2) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix "FTBFS: checking for the slang library and header files ... no": tell configure about the multiarched slang lib; build-depend on dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.0). Remove rpath that gets introduced by the multiarch path. (Closes: #639772) * Fix "cleanscore breaks with perl 5.12": new patch cleanscore-prototypes.dpatch. (Closes: #607332) status-4-evar (0.2011.11.13.22-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. sundials (2.4.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * debian/rules: remove duplicate definition of debexp var. This brings back the missing static libraries (closes: #650933) * debian/control: add DM-Upload-Allowed tree-style-tab (0.12.2011110101-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/patches/override-max-version.diff: - dropped, added upstream. ttytter (1.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. + Works around 'unsafe' Perl signal usage (closes: #651021) uhub (0.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (closes: #643290). upower (0.9.15-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/control: Fix the versioned Build-Depends on dpkg-dev. The snippet was added in version 1.16.1, not 1.6.1. wavpack (4.60.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. * Enable Multi-Arch support (Closes: #651017): - debian/{*.install,control,rules}: Update references and enable Multi-Arch: same; patch from Becka Morgan. - debian/patches/0001-pkgconfig.patch: Avoid wavpack.pc to be broken after switching to Multi-Arch. * Fix lintian's warnings: - binary-control-field-duplicates-source - copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file - description-synopsis-starts-with-article * Enable MMX extensions on amd64. * Correct maintainer's name, add VCS fields. * Bump debian/compat. * Bump Standards version. * Add gbp config file. xpra ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Removed patches that are included upstream: typos.diff, backward-compatibility.diff REMOVED: ttf-levien-museum 001.002-2 REMOVED: ttf-mgopen 1.1-5 REMOVED: libdbus-ruby 0.3.0-1 REMOVED: ng-spice-rework 20-1 REMOVED: libstomp-ruby 1.0.4-3 REMOVED: libopen4-ruby 0.9.6-5 REMOVED: libsystemu-ruby 1.2.0-2 REMOVED: libtidy-ruby 1.1.2-3 REMOVED: ibus-table-array30 REMOVED: libnokogiri-ruby 1.4.0-4 REMOVED: libflexmock-ruby 0.8.6-2 REMOVED: ttf-liberation 1.07.0-1 REMOVED: libmixlib-config-ruby 1.1.2-1 REMOVED: ttf-levien-typoscript 000.001-2 REMOVED: plasma-widget-veromix 0.13.1-1 REMOVED: ttf-linex 2.2-4 REMOVED: ttf-oflb-asana-math 000.907-2 REMOVED: mit-scheme-doc 9.0.1-1 REMOVED: docbook-xsl-ns 1.75.2+dfsg-5 REMOVED: bibledit 4.0-1 REMOVED: ttf-lg-aboriginal 1.0-4 REMOVED: elfsign 0.2.2-2 REMOVED: libi18n-ruby 0.4.1-1 REMOVED: libinotify-ruby 0.0.2-5