OBS_Server Open Build Service Server The Open Build Service is an enviroment to allow automated package building. The official server from the openSUSE project is reachable at http://build.opensuse.org . This software stack contains a complete server to be installed on your system. It is by default configured to reuse all resources from the instance at the openSUSE.org project. Please read /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/README.SETUP after installation. OBS:Server:2.4 OBS 2.4 Server The Open Build Service 2.4 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OBS:/Server:/2.4/SLE_11_SP3/ SUSE:SLE-11:SP3:Update Official released updates for SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 Official released updates for SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 This project will not provide all updates. It is limited to selected updates. The security repository provides additional openssl version 1 support, but use this only with special care. Wrong link dependencies can lead to all kind of malfuntion. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-11:/SP3:/Update/standard/ SUSE:SLE-11:SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 base. To be used for SLES 11 SP3 and SLED 11 SP3 packages This repository contains the status of GA. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-11:/SP3/standard/ obs-server The Open Build Service -- Server Component The Open Build Service (OBS) backend is used to store all sources and binaries. It also calculates the need for new build jobs and distributes it. obs-worker The Open Build Service -- Build Host Component This is the obs build host, to be installed on each machine building packages in this obs installation. Install it alongside obs-server to run a local playground test installation. obs-api The Open Build Service -- The API and WEBUI This is the API server instance, and the web client for the OBS. osc openSUSE Build Service Commander Commandline client for the openSUSE Build Service. See http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC , as well as http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Tutorial for a general introduction.