LXQT Qt Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment LXQt is an extremely fast performing and energy saving desktop environment home:NickLion:lxqt LXQt LXQt for openSUSE 13.2 with Qt5.5 & KF from KDE:Unstable:Frameworks http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/NickLion:/lxqt/KDE_Qt55_openSUSE_13.2/ KDE:Qt55 The Qt 5.5 development repository http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt55/openSUSE_13.2/ KDE:Unstable:Frameworks The new KDE Frameworks 5 based on Qt 5 http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Unstable:/Frameworks/openSUSE_13.2/ openSUSE:13.2:Update Online updates for openSUSE 13.2 This project is releasing the official updates for openSUSE 13.2. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/13.2:/Update/standard/ openSUSE:13.2 Test setup for 13.2 This is really just a snapshot of Factory, but we need it to adapt the tools to later test and accept requests to it. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/13.2/standard/ lxqt-about About Dialog About dialog for lxqt lxqt-common Common Data File Common data file required for running an lxqt session lxqt-config LXQT Control Center System Configuration and Control Center for lxqt lxqt-globalkeys Global keyboard shortcuts registration Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration lxqt-notificationd Global keyboard shortcuts Tools Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts regustration lxqt-openssh-askpass Openssh password tool Tool that will prompt user for password when using openssh in lxqt lxqt-panel Desktop Panel for LXQt Brand new desktop Panel for LXQt lxqt-policykit PolicyKit authentication agent PolicyKit authentication agent for LXQt lxqt-powermanagement Power Management and Auto-suspend LXQt daemon for power management and Auto-suspend lxqt-qtplugin LXQt platform integration plugin for Qt 5 With this plugin, all Qt-based programs can adopt settings of LXQt, such as the icon theme. To use the plugin in Qt 5, we have to export the environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=lxqt. Then every Qt5 program can load the theme plugin. If, for some unknown reasons, the plugin is not loaded, we can debug the plugin by exporting QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1. Then, Qt5 will print detailed information and error messages about all plugins in the console when running any Qt5 programs.) lxqt-runner LXQt application launcher Tool to launch programs quickly, by typing their names lxqt-session LXQt Session Manager LXQt-session is the standard session manager used by LXQt. The lxqt-session manager is used to automatically start a set of applications and set up a working desktop environment. Moreover, the session manager is able to remember the applications in use when a user logs out and to restart them the next time the user logs in. menu-cache The menu-cache package The menu-cache package. lxqt-admin Admin tools Administration tools for lxqt openbox The openbox package The openbox package. obconf-qt The obconf-qt package The obconf-qt package. pcmanfm-qt File manager and desktop icon manager PCManFM-Qt is the Qt port of the LXDE file manager PCManFM NetworkManager-gnome The NetworkManager-gnome package The NetworkManager-gnome package. NetworkManager The NetworkManager package The NetworkManager package.