partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "us" { name[Group1] = "U.S. English"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ a, A, exclam, exclam ] }; key { [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ d, D, at, at ] }; key { [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ g, G, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ h, H, slash, slash ] }; key { [ j, J, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ k, K, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ l, L, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { [ apostrophe, question, question, question ] }; key { [ z, Z, yen, yen ] }; key { [ x, X, asciicircum, asciicircum ] }; key { [ c, C, asciitilde, asciitilde ] }; key { [ v, V, percent, percent ] }; key { [ b, B, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { [ n, N, dollar, dollar ] }; key { [ m, M, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ semicolon, colon, sterling, sterling ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, underscore, underscore ] }; key { [ plus, equal, equal, equal ] }; key { [ comma, less, comma, less ] }; key { [ period, greater, period, greater ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "fisenoda" { name[Group1] = "Finnish/Swedish/Norwegian/Danish"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ a, A, exclam, exclam ] }; key { [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ d, D, at, at ] }; key { [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ g, G, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { [ h, H, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ j, J, slash, slash ] }; key { [ k, K, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ l, L, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ aring, Aring, question, question ] }; key { [ z, Z, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ x, X, asciitilde, asciitilde ] }; key { [ c, C, percent, percent ] }; key { [ v, V, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { [ b, B, plus, plus ] }; key { [ n, N, less, less ] }; key { [ m, M, greater, greater ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ oslash, Oslash, equal, equal, odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, equal, equal ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ ae, AE, apostrophe, apostrophe, adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, apostrophe, apostrophe ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, underscore, underscore ] }; key { [ comma, semicolon, comma, semicolon ] }; key { [ period, colon, period, colon ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ptes" { name[Group1] = "Portuguese/Spanish"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ a, A, exclam, exclam ] }; key { [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ d, D, at, at ] }; key { [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ g, G, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { [ h, H, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ j, J, slash, slash ] }; key { [ k, K, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ l, L, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ dead_acute, dead_grave, dead_diaeresis, dead_diaeresis ] }; key { [ z, Z, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ x, X, percent, percent ] }; key { [ c, C, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { [ v, V, exclamdown, exclamdown ] }; key { [ b, B, apostrophe, apostrophe ] }; key { [ n, N, plus, plus ] }; key { [ m, M, equal, equal ] }; key { [ ccedilla, Ccedilla, questiondown, questiondown ] }; key { [ ntilde, Ntilde, question, question ] }; key { [ dead_tilde, dead_circumflex, dead_circumflex, dead_circumflex ] }; key { [ comma, semicolon, minus, minus ] }; key { [ period, colon, underscore, underscore ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "fr" { name[Group1] = "French"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ a, A, 1, 1 ] }; key { [ z, Z, 2, 2 ] }; key { [ q, Q, at, at ] }; key { [ s, S, percent, percent ] }; key { [ d, D, ecircumflex, Ecircumflex ] }; key { [ f, F, eacute, Eacute ] }; key { [ g, G, egrave, Egrave ] }; key { [ h, H, oe, OE ] }; key { [ j, J, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ k, K, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ l, L, agrave, Agrave ] }; key { [ m, M, ugrave, Ugrave ] }; key { [ w, w, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ x, X, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ] }; key { [ v, V, plus, plus ] }; key { [ b, B, equal, equal ] }; key { [ n, N, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ comma, question, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ semicolon, period, minus, minus ] }; key { [ colon, slash, underscore, underscore ] }; key { [ apostrophe, apostrophe, mu, mu ] }; key { [ less, greater, less, greater ] }; key { [ exclam, section, asterisk, asterisk ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "de" { name[Group1] = "German"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ z, Z, 6, 6 ] }; key { [ a, A, exclam, exclam ] }; key { [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ d, D, at, at ] }; key { [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ g, G, percent, percent ] }; key { [ h, H, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ j, J, slash, slash ] }; key { [ k, K, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ l, L, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ udiaeresis, Udiaeresis, question, question ] }; key { [ y, Y, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ x, X, asciitilde, asciitilde ] }; key { [ c, C, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { [ v, V, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { [ b, B, plus, plus ] }; key { [ n, N, less, less ] }; key { [ m, M, greater, greater ] }; key { [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis, equal, equal ] }; key { [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis, apostrophe, apostrophe ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, ssharp, U1E9E ] }; key { [ comma, semicolon, comma, semicolon ] }; key { [ period, colon, period, colon ] }; }; // Levels 5-8 are Russian, levels 1-4 US English, for shortcut reasons. partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "ru" { name[Group1] = "Russian"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ q, Q, 1, 1, Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI, 1, 1 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ w, W, 2, 2, Cyrillic_tse, Cyrillic_TSE, 2, 2 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ e, E, 3, 3, Cyrillic_u, Cyrillic_U, 3, 3 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ r, R, 4, 4, Cyrillic_ka, Cyrillic_KA, 4, 4 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ t, T, 5, 5, Cyrillic_ie, Cyrillic_IE, 5, 5 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ y, Y, 6, 6, Cyrillic_en, Cyrillic_EN, 6, 6 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ u, U, 7, 7, Cyrillic_ghe, Cyrillic_GHE, 7, 7 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ i, I, 8, 8, Cyrillic_sha, Cyrillic_SHA, 8, 8 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ o, O, 9, 9, Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA, 9, 9 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ p, P, 0, 0, Cyrillic_ze, Cyrillic_ZE, 0, 0 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ a, A, exclam, exclam, Cyrillic_ef, Cyrillic_EF, exclam, exclam ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl, Cyrillic_yeru, Cyrillic_YERU, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ d, D, at, at, Cyrillic_ve, Cyrillic_VE, at, at ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign, Cyrillic_a, Cyrillic_A, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ g, G, backslash, backslash, Cyrillic_pe, Cyrillic_PE, backslash, backslash ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ h, H, slash, slash, Cyrillic_er, Cyrillic_ER, slash, slash ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ j, J, parenleft, parenleft, Cyrillic_o, Cyrillic_O, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ k, K, parenright, parenright, Cyrillic_el, Cyrillic_EL, parenright, parenright ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ l, L, colon, colon, Cyrillic_de, Cyrillic_DE, colon, colon ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, semicolon, semicolon, Cyrillic_zhe, Cyrillic_ZHE, semicolon, semicolon ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ z, Z, underscore, underscore, Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA, minus, minus ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ x, X, percent, percent, Cyrillic_che, Cyrillic_CHE, percent, percent ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ c, C, 0x1002116, 0x1002116, Cyrillic_es, Cyrillic_ES, 0x1002116, 0x1002116 ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ v, V, equal, equal, Cyrillic_em, Cyrillic_EM, equal, equal ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ b, B, ampersand, ampersand, Cyrillic_i, Cyrillic_I, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ n, N, asterisk, asterisk, Cyrillic_te, Cyrillic_TE, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ m, M, apostrophe, apostrophe, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN, apostrophe, apostrophe ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, minus, minus, Cyrillic_be, Cyrillic_BE, minus, minus ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, question, question, Cyrillic_yu, Cyrillic_YU, question, question ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN, Cyrillic_ha, Cyrillic_HA, Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ period, comma, period, comma, period, comma, period, comma ] }; key { type="EIGHT_LEVEL", [ NoSymbol, NoSymbol, Cyrillic_io, Cyrillic_IO, Cyrillic_e, Cyrillic_E, Cyrillic_io, Cyrillic_IO ] }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "it" { name[Group1] = "Italian"; include "nokia_vndr/rx-44(base)" key { [ a, A, exclam, exclam ] }; key { [ s, S, quotedbl, quotedbl ] }; key { [ d, D, at, at ] }; key { [ f, F, numbersign, numbersign ] }; key { [ g, G, asterisk, asterisk ] }; key { [ h, H, backslash, backslash ] }; key { [ j, J, slash, slash ] }; key { [ k, K, parenleft, parenleft ] }; key { [ l, L, parenright, parenright ] }; key { [ apostrophe, question, igrave, Igrave ] }; key { [ z, Z, EuroSign, EuroSign ] }; key { [ x, X, asciitilde, asciitilde ] }; key { [ c, C, ampersand, ampersand ] }; key { [ v, V, equal, equal ] }; key { [ b, B, less, less ] }; key { [ n, N, greater, greater ] }; key { [ m, M, plus, plus ] }; key { [ eacute, Eacute, ograve, Ograve ] }; key { [ egrave, Egrave, agrave, Agrave ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, ugrave, Ugrave ] }; key { [ comma, semicolon, comma, semicolon ] }; key { [ period, colon, period, colon ] }; }; default partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "base" { key { [ q, Q, 1, 1 ] }; key { [ w, W, 2, 2 ] }; key { [ e, E, 3, 3 ] }; key { [ r, R, 4, 4 ] }; key { [ t, T, 5, 5 ] }; key { [ y, Y, 6, 6 ] }; key { [ u, U, 7, 7 ] }; key { [ i, I, 8, 8 ] }; key { [ o, O, 9, 9 ] }; key { [ p, P, 0, 0 ] }; key { [ BackSpace, BackSpace, BackSpace, BackSpace ] }; // broken UI spec. key { [ KP_Enter, KP_Enter, KP_Enter, KP_Enter ] }; key { [ Multi_key, Multi_key, Multi_key, Multi_key ] }; key { [ Shift_L, Shift_L, Shift_L, Shift_L ] }; key { [ ISO_Level3_Shift, ISO_Level3_Shift, ISO_Level3_Shift, ISO_Level3_Shift ] }; key { [ space, space, space, space ] }; key { [ Control_R, Control_R, Control_R, Control_R ] }; key { [ Tab, Tab, Tab, Tab ] }; modifier_map Shift { Shift_L }; modifier_map Mod5 { ISO_Level3_Shift }; modifier_map Control { Control_R }; key { [ Return ] }; key { [ Up ] }; key { [ Down ] }; key { [ Left ] }; key { [ Right ] }; key { [ Escape ] }; key { [ F1 ] }; key { [ F2 ] }; key { [ F3 ] }; key { [ F4 ] }; key { [ F5 ] }; key { [ F6 ] }; key { [ F7 ] }; key { [ F8 ] }; key { [ F9 ] }; key { [ F10 ] }; key { [ F11 ] }; key { [ F12 ] }; // generated from the headset, must always be in the map. key { [ XF86Phone ] }; };