.TH LLOADD.CONF 5 "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" Copyright 1998-2021 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .\" $OpenLDAP$ .SH NAME lloadd.conf \- configuration file for lloadd, the stand-alone LDAP daemon .SH SYNOPSIS ETCDIR/lloadd.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The file .B ETCDIR/lloadd.conf contains configuration information for the .BR lloadd (8) daemon. .LP The .B lloadd.conf file consists of a series of global configuration options that apply to .B lloadd as a whole (including all backends), followed by zero or more backend definitions that contain information specific how a backend instance should be contacted. The configuration options are case-insensitive; their value, on a case by case basis, may be case-sensitive. .LP The general format of .B lloadd.conf is as follows: .LP .nf # comment - these options apply to the server as a whole # first backend definition backend-server # subsequent backend definitions ... .fi .LP As many backend servers may be configured as desired. .LP If a line begins with white space, it is considered a continuation of the previous line. No physical line should be over 2000 bytes long. .LP Blank lines and comment lines beginning with a `#' character are ignored. Note: continuation lines are unwrapped before comment processing is applied. .LP Arguments on configuration lines are separated by white space. If an argument contains white space, the argument should be enclosed in double quotes. If an argument contains a double quote (`"') or a backslash character (`\\'), the character should be preceded by a backslash character. .LP The specific configuration options available are discussed below in the Global Configuration Options and General Backend Options. Refer to the "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" for more details on the lloadd configuration file. .SH SLAPD INTEGRATION Note that when .B lloadd is configured as a .B slapd module, any option that shares the same name as an option in .BR slapd.conf (5), the .B slapd interpretation wins and the .B lloadd option mentioned is unavailable through .BR slapd.conf (5) directly, instead, it would have to be configured via a dedicated attribute in cn=config. In particular, unless the .B TLSShareSlapdCTX option is set, .B lloadd keeps its own TLS context which cannot be configured except through the dynamic configuration. An additional option is available when running as a .B slapd module: .TP .B listen "" The URIs the Load Balancer module should listen on. Must not overlap with the ones that .B slapd uses for its own listening sockets. The related .B cn=config attribute is .B olcBkLloadListen with each URI provided as a separate value. No changes to this attribute made after the server has started up will take effect until it is restarted. .SH GLOBAL CONFIGURATION OPTIONS Options described in this section apply to all backends. Arguments that should be replaced by actual text are shown in brackets <>. .TP .B argsfile The (absolute) name of a file that will hold the .B lloadd server's command line (program name and options). .TP .B concurrency Specify a desired level of concurrency. Provided to the underlying thread system as a hint. The default is not to provide any hint. .\" .TP .\" .B gentlehup { on | off } .\" A SIGHUP signal will only cause a 'gentle' shutdown-attempt: .\" .B Lloadd .\" will stop listening for new connections, but will not close the .\" connections to the current clients. Future write operations return .\" unwilling-to-perform, though. Lloadd terminates when all clients .\" have closed their connections (if they ever do), or - as before - .\" if it receives a SIGTERM signal. This can be useful if you wish to .\" terminate the server and start a new .\" .B lloadd .\" server .\" .B with another database, .\" without disrupting the currently active clients. .\" The default is off. You may wish to use .\" .B idletimeout .\" along with this option. .\" .TP .\" .B idletimeout .\" Specify the number of seconds to wait before forcibly closing .\" an idle client connection. A idletimeout of 0 disables this .\" feature. The default is 0. You may also want to set the .\" .B iotimeout .\" option. .TP .B feature [...] Switch additional features supported by the LDAP Load Balancer on. Supported features are: .RS .RS .PD 0 .TP .B proxyauthz when proxying an operation, pass the client's authorized identity using the proxy authorization control (RFC 4370). No control is added to the operation if initiated by a client whose bound identity matches the identity configured in .B bindconf (no normalisation of the DN is attempted). If SASL binds are issued by clients and this feature is enabled, backend servers need to support LDAP Who Am I? extended operation for the Load Balancer to detect the correct authorization identity. .\" .TP .\" .B vc .\" when receiving a bind operation from a client, pass it onto a backend .\" as a verify credentials external operation request. With this enabled, .\" the .\" .BR backend 's .\" .B bindconns .\" option has no effect as there is no need to maintain dedicated bind .\" connections anymore. .PD .RE .RE .TP .B include Read additional configuration information from the given file before continuing with the next line of the current file. .TP .B io-threads Specify the number of threads to use for the connection manager. The default is 1 and this is typically adequate for up to 16 CPU cores. The value should be set to a power of 2. If modified after server starts up, a change to this option will not take effect until the server has been restarted. .TP .B logfile Specify a file for recording lloadd debug messages. By default these messages only go to stderr, are not recorded anywhere else, and are unrelated to messages exposed by the .B loglevel configuration parameter. Specifying a logfile copies messages to both stderr and the logfile. .TP .B loglevel [...] Specify the level at which debugging statements and operation statistics should be syslogged (currently logged to the .BR syslogd (8) LOG_LOCAL4 facility). They must be considered subsystems rather than increasingly verbose log levels. Some messages with higher priority are logged regardless of the configured loglevel as soon as any logging is configured. Log levels are additive, and available levels are: .RS .RS .PD 0 .TP .B 1 .B (0x1 trace) trace function calls .TP .B 2 .B (0x2 packets) debug packet handling .TP .B 4 .B (0x4 args) heavy trace debugging (function args) .TP .B 8 .B (0x8 conns) connection management .TP .B 16 .B (0x10 BER) print out packets sent and received .\" .TP .\" .B 32 .\" .B (0x20 filter) .\" search filter processing .TP .B 64 .B (0x40 config) configuration file processing .\" .TP .\" .B 128 .\" .B (0x80 ACL) .\" access control list processing .TP .B 256 .B (0x100 stats) connections, LDAP operations, results (recommended) .TP .B 512 .B (0x200 stats2) stats log entries sent .\" .TP .\" .B 1024 .\" .B (0x400 shell) .\" print communication with shell backends .\" .TP .\" .B 2048 .\" .B (0x800 parse) .\" entry parsing \".TP \".B 4096 \".B (0x1000 cache) \"caching (unused) \".TP \".B 8192 \".B (0x2000 index) \"data indexing (unused) .\" .TP .\" .B 16384 .\" .B (0x4000 sync) .\" LDAPSync replication .TP .B 32768 .B (0x8000 none) only messages that get logged whatever log level is set .PD .RE The desired log level can be input as a single integer that combines the (ORed) desired levels, both in decimal or in hexadecimal notation, as a list of integers (that are ORed internally), or as a list of the names that are shown between parentheses, such that .LP .nf loglevel 513 loglevel 0x201 loglevel 512 1 loglevel 0x200 0x1 loglevel stats trace .fi .LP are equivalent. The keyword .B any can be used as a shortcut to enable logging at all levels (equivalent to \-1). The keyword .BR none , or the equivalent integer representation, causes those messages that are logged regardless of the configured loglevel to be logged. In fact, if loglevel is set to 0, no logging occurs, so at least the .B none level is required to have high priority messages logged. The loglevel defaults to \fBstats\fP. This level should usually also be included when using other loglevels, to help analyze the logs. .RE .TP .B pidfile The (absolute) name of a file that will hold the .B lloadd server's process ID (see .BR getpid (2)). .TP .B sockbuf_max_incoming_client Specify the maximum LDAP PDU size accepted coming from clients. The default is 262143. .TP .B sockbuf_max_incoming_upstream Specify the maximum LDAP PDU size accepted coming from upstream connections. The default is 4194303. .TP .B tcp-buffer [listener=] [{read|write}=] Specify the size of the TCP buffer. A global value for both read and write TCP buffers related to any listener is defined, unless the listener is explicitly specified, or either the read or write qualifiers are used. See .BR tcp (7) for details. Note that some OS-es implement automatic TCP buffer tuning. .TP .B threads Specify the maximum size of the primary thread pool. The default is 16; the minimum value is 2. .TP .B threadqueues Specify the number of work queues to use for the primary thread pool. The default is 1 and this is typically adequate for up to 8 CPU cores. The value should not exceed the number of CPUs in the system. .TP .B max_pdus_per_cycle If set to 0, PDUs are handled by the I/O threads directly, otherwise a task is queued to be picked up by the thread pool. This task will process PDUs from the connection until there is no more data to be read or this limit is reached when the I/O thread can pick it up again. Very high values have a potential to cause some connections to be starved in a very high-bandwidth environment. The default is 1000. .TP .B client_max_pending Will cause the load balancer to limit the number unfinished operations for each client connection. The default is 0, unlimited. .TP .B iotimeout Specify the number of milliseconds to wait before forcibly closing a connection with an outstanding write. This allows faster recovery from various network hang conditions. An iotimeout of 0 disables this feature. The default is 10000. .SH TLS OPTIONS If .B lloadd is built with support for Transport Layer Security, there are more options you can specify. .TP .B TLSShareSlapdCTX { on | off } If set to no (the default), .B lloadd will use its own TLS context (needs to be configured via .B cn=config unless .B lloadd is run as a standalone daemon). If enabled, the options for .B slapd apply instead, since the .BR slapd 's TLS context is used then. .LP The following options are available only when compiled as a standalone daemon. When compiled as a .BR slapd (8) module, the cn=config equivalents need to be used if a separate TLS context for the module is needed, otherwise use the .B TLSShareSlapdCTX option. .TP .B TLSCipherSuite Permits configuring what ciphers will be accepted and the preference order. should be a cipher specification for the TLS library in use (OpenSSL, GnuTLS, or Mozilla NSS). Example: .RS .RS .TP .I OpenSSL: TLSCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:+SSLv2 .TP .I GnuTLS: TLSCiphersuite SECURE256:!AES-128-CBC .RE To check what ciphers a given spec selects in OpenSSL, use: .nf openssl ciphers \-v .fi With GnuTLS the available specs can be found in the manual page of .BR gnutls\-cli (1) (see the description of the option .BR \-\-priority ). In older versions of GnuTLS, where gnutls\-cli does not support the option \-\-priority, you can obtain the \(em more limited \(em list of ciphers by calling: .nf gnutls\-cli \-l .fi When using Mozilla NSS, the OpenSSL cipher suite specifications are used and translated into the format used internally by Mozilla NSS. There isn't an easy way to list the cipher suites from the command line. The authoritative list is in the source code for Mozilla NSS in the file sslinfo.c in the structure .nf static const SSLCipherSuiteInfo suiteInfo[] .fi .RE .TP .B TLSCACertificateFile Specifies the file that contains certificates for all of the Certificate Authorities that .B lloadd will recognize. The certificate for the CA that signed the server certificate must be included among these certificates. If the signing CA was not a top-level (root) CA, certificates for the entire sequence of CA's from the signing CA to the top-level CA should be present. Multiple certificates are simply appended to the file; the order is not significant. .TP .B TLSCACertificatePath Specifies the path of a directory that contains Certificate Authority certificates in separate individual files. Usually only one of this or the TLSCACertificateFile is used. This directive is not supported when using GnuTLS. When using Mozilla NSS, may contain a Mozilla NSS cert/key database. If contains a Mozilla NSS cert/key database and CA cert files, OpenLDAP will use the cert/key database and will ignore the CA cert files. .TP .B TLSCertificateFile Specifies the file that contains the .B lloadd server certificate. When using Mozilla NSS, if using a cert/key database (specified with TLSCACertificatePath), TLSCertificateFile specifies the name of the certificate to use: .nf TLSCertificateFile Server-Cert .fi If using a token other than the internal built in token, specify the token name first, followed by a colon: .nf TLSCertificateFile my hardware device:Server-Cert .fi Use certutil \-L to list the certificates by name: .nf certutil \-d /path/to/certdbdir \-L .fi .TP .B TLSCertificateKeyFile Specifies the file that contains the .B lloadd server private key that matches the certificate stored in the .B TLSCertificateFile file. Currently, the private key must not be protected with a password, so it is of critical importance that it is protected carefully. When using Mozilla NSS, TLSCertificateKeyFile specifies the name of a file that contains the password for the key for the certificate specified with TLSCertificateFile. The modutil command can be used to turn off password protection for the cert/key database. For example, if TLSCACertificatePath specifies /etc/openldap/certdb as the location of the cert/key database, use modutil to change the password to the empty string: .nf modutil \-dbdir /etc/openldap/certdb \-changepw 'NSS Certificate DB' .fi You must have the old password, if any. Ignore the WARNING about the running browser. Press 'Enter' for the new password. .TP .B TLSDHParamFile This directive specifies the file that contains parameters for Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange. This is required in order to use a DSA certificate on the server, or an RSA certificate missing the "key encipherment" key usage. Note that setting this option may also enable Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchanges in certain non-default cipher suites. Anonymous key exchanges should generally be avoided since they provide no actual client or server authentication and provide no protection against man-in-the-middle attacks. You should append "!ADH" to your cipher suites to ensure that these suites are not used. When using Mozilla NSS these parameters are always generated randomly so this directive is ignored. .TP .B TLSECName Specify the name of a curve to use for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange. This is required to enable ECDHE algorithms in OpenSSL. This option is not used with GnuTLS; the curves may be chosen in the GnuTLS ciphersuite specification. This option is also ignored for Mozilla NSS. .TP .B TLSProtocolMin [.] Specifies minimum SSL/TLS protocol version that will be negotiated. If the server doesn't support at least that version, the SSL handshake will fail. To require TLS 1.x or higher, set this option to 3.(x+1), e.g., .nf TLSProtocolMin 3.2 .fi would require TLS 1.1. Specifying a minimum that is higher than that supported by the OpenLDAP implementation will result in it requiring the highest level that it does support. This directive is ignored with GnuTLS. .TP .B TLSRandFile Specifies the file to obtain random bits from when /dev/[u]random is not available. Generally set to the name of the EGD/PRNGD socket. The environment variable RANDFILE can also be used to specify the filename. This directive is ignored with GnuTLS and Mozilla NSS. .TP .B TLSVerifyClient Specifies what checks to perform on client certificates in an incoming TLS session, if any. The .B can be specified as one of the following keywords: .RS .TP .B never This is the default. .B lloadd will not ask the client for a certificate. .TP .B allow The client certificate is requested. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds normally. If a bad certificate is provided, it will be ignored and the session proceeds normally. .TP .B try The client certificate is requested. If no certificate is provided, the session proceeds normally. If a bad certificate is provided, the session is immediately terminated. .TP .B demand | hard | true These keywords are all equivalent, for compatibility reasons. The client certificate is requested. If no certificate is provided, or a bad certificate is provided, the session is immediately terminated. .TP .B TLSCRLCheck Specifies if the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) of the CA should be used to verify if the client certificates have not been revoked. This requires .B TLSCACertificatePath parameter to be set. This directive is ignored with GnuTLS and Mozilla NSS. .B can be specified as one of the following keywords: .RS .TP .B none No CRL checks are performed .TP .B peer Check the CRL of the peer certificate .TP .B all Check the CRL for a whole certificate chain .RE .TP .B TLSCRLFile Specifies a file containing a Certificate Revocation List to be used for verifying that certificates have not been revoked. This directive is only valid when using GnuTLS and Mozilla NSS. .SH BACKEND CONFIGURATION Options in this section describe how the .B lloadd connects and authenticates to the backend servers. It is assumed all backend servers serve the same data. On startup, the configured connections are set up and those not dedicated to handle bind requests are authenticated with the backend using the information in the .B bindconf option. The authentication configuration is shared between them. .TP .B bindconf .B [bindmethod=simple|sasl] .B [binddn=] .B [saslmech=] .B [authcid=] .B [authzid=] .B [credentials=] .B [realm=] .B [secprops=] .B [timeout=] .B [network\-timeout=] .B [tcp\-user\-timeout=] Specifies the bind credentials .B lloadd uses when setting up its regular connections to all backends. A .B bindmethod of .B simple requires the options .B binddn and .B credentials and should only be used when adequate security services (e.g. TLS or IPSEC) are in place. .B REMEMBER: simple bind credentials must be in cleartext! A .B bindmethod of .B sasl requires the option .B saslmech. Depending on the mechanism, an authentication identity and/or credentials can be specified using .B authcid and .B credentials. The .B authzid parameter may be used to specify an authorization identity. Specific security properties (as with the .B sasl\-secprops keyword above) for a SASL bind can be set with the .B secprops option. A non default SASL realm can be set with the .B realm option. The .B timeout parameter indicates how long an operation can be pending a response (result, search entry, ...) from the server in seconds. Due to how timeouts are detected, the timeout might not be detected and handled up to .B timeout seconds after it happens. The .B network\-timeout parameter sets how long the consumer will wait to establish a network connection to the provider. Once a connection is established, the .B timeout parameter determines how long the consumer will wait for the initial Bind request to complete. Timeout set to 0 means no timeout is in effect and by default, no timeouts are in effect. The .B tcp\-user\-timeout parameter, if non-zero, corresponds to the .B TCP_USER_TIMEOUT set on the upstream connections, overriding the operating system setting. Only some systems support the customization of this parameter, it is ignored otherwise and system-wide settings are used. .SH BACKEND OPTIONS .TP .B backend-server .B uri=ldap[s]://[:port] .B [retry=] .B [keepalive=::] .B [starttls=yes|critical] .B [tls_cert=] .B [tls_key=] .B [tls_cacert=] .B [tls_cacertdir=] .B [tls_reqcert=never|allow|try|demand] .B [tls_cipher_suite=] .B [tls_crlcheck=none|peer|all] .B [tls_protocol_min=[.]] .B [numconns=] .B [bindconns=] .B [max-pending-ops=] .B [conn-max-pending=] Marks the beginning of a backend definition. .B uri specifies the backend as an LDAP URI. If is not given, the standard LDAP port number (389 or 636) is used. Lloadd will attempt to maintain .B numconns active connections and .\" unless the .\" .B vc .\" feature is enabled, also .B bindconns active connections dedicated to handling client bind requests. If an error occurs on a working connection, a new connection attempt is made immediately, if one happens on establishing a new connection to this backend, lloadd will wait before a new reconnect attempt is made according to the .B retry parameter (default is 5 seconds). Operations will be distributed across the backend's connections .RB ( upstreams ). The parameter .B conn-max-pending unless set to .B 0 (the default), will limit the number unfinished operations per upstream connection. Similarly, .B max-pending-ops will limit the total number or unfinished operations across all backend's connections, .BR 0 , the default, means no limit will be imposed for this backend. The .B keepalive parameter sets the values of \fIidle\fP, \fIprobes\fP, and \fIinterval\fP used to check whether a socket is alive; .I idle is the number of seconds a connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes; .I probes is the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection; .I interval is interval in seconds between individual keepalive probes. Only some systems support the customization of these values; the .B keepalive parameter is ignored otherwise, and system-wide settings are used. The .B starttls parameter specifies use of the StartTLS extended operation to establish a TLS session before Binding to the provider. If the .B critical argument is supplied, the session will be aborted if the StartTLS request fails. Otherwise the syncrepl session continues without TLS. The tls_reqcert setting defaults to "demand" and the other TLS settings default to the same as the main slapd TLS settings. .\" .TP .\" .B readonly on | off .\" This option puts the backend into "read-only" mode. Only read .\" operations (i.e. bind, search, compare) will be directed towards this .\" backend. By default, readonly is off. .\" .TP .\" .B restrict .\" Specify a whitespace separated list of operations that are restricted. .\" If defined inside a database specification, restrictions apply only .\" to that database, otherwise they are global. .\" Operations can be any of .\" .BR add , .\" .BR bind , .\" .BR compare , .\" .BR delete , .\" .BR extended[=] , .\" .BR modify , .\" .BR rename , .\" .BR search , .\" or the special pseudo-operations .\" .B read .\" and .\" .BR write , .\" which respectively summarize read and write operations. .\" The use of .\" .I restrict write .\" is equivalent to .\" .I readonly on .\" (see above). .\" The .\" .B extended .\" keyword allows one to indicate the OID of the specific operation .\" to be restricted. .SH EXAMPLES .LP Here is a short example of a configuration file: .LP .RS .nf argsfile LOCALSTATEDIR/run/lloadd.args pidfile LOCALSTATEDIR/run/lloadd.pid bindconf bindmethod=simple binddn=cn=test credentials=pass backend-server uri=ldap://ldap1.example.com numconns=3 bindconns=2 retry=5000 max-pending-ops=5 conn-max-pending=3 backend-server uri=ldap://ldap2.example.com numconns=3 bindconns=2 retry=5000 max-pending-ops=5 conn-max-pending=3 .fi .RE .LP "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" contains a longer annotated example of a configuration file. The original ETCDIR/lloadd.conf is another example. .SH LIMITATIONS Support for proxying SASL Binds is limited to the .B EXTERNAL mechanism (and only to extract the DN of a client TLS cerificate if used during the last renegotiation) and mechanisms that rely neither on connection metadata (as Kerberos does) nor establish a SASL integrity/confidentialiy layer (again, some Kerberos mechanisms, .B DIGEST-MD5 can negotiate this). .SH FILES .TP ETCDIR/lloadd.conf default lloadd configuration file .SH SEE ALSO .BR ldap (3), .BR gnutls\-cli (1), .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR tcp (7), .BR lloadd (8), .BR slapd (8). .LP "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" (http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/admin/) .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .so ../Project