# #-- ede.test --# # source the master var file when it's there [ -f ../.tpkg.var.master ] && source ../.tpkg.var.master # use .tpkg.var.test for in test variable passing [ -f .tpkg.var.test ] && source .tpkg.var.test # DNSSEC failure: Signature Expired or DNSKEY Missing (depending on the servfail configuration) dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT servfail.nl > servfail.txt # DNSSEC failure: key not incepted dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT notyetincepted.dnssec-failures.test. TXT +dnssec > sig_notyetincepted.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 08" -e "EDE: 8" sig_notyetincepted.txt then echo "Signature not yet valid does not return EDE Signature Not Yet Valid" cat sig_notyetincepted.txt exit 1 fi # DNSSEC failure: key expired dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT expired.dnssec-failures.test. TXT +dnssec > sig_expired.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 07" -e "EDE: 7" sig_expired.txt then echo "Expired signature does not return EDE Signature expired" cat sig_expired.txt exit 1 fi # DNSSEC failure: missing rrsigs dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT missingrrsigs.dnssec-failures.test. TXT +dnssec > missingrrsigs.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 0a" -e "EDE: 10" missingrrsigs.txt then echo "Expired signature does not return EDE RRSIGs missing" cat missingrrsigs.txt exit 1 fi # signed zone with DNSKEY missing dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT dnskey-failures.test > dnskey-failure.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 09" -e "EDE: 9" dnskey-failure.txt then echo "Expired signature does not return EDE DNSKEY missing" cat dnskey-failure.txt exit 1 fi # signed zone with RRSIGs missing dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT rrsig-failures.test > rrsig-failure.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 0a" -e "EDE: 10" rrsig-failure.txt then echo "Expired signature does not return EDE RRSIGs missing" cat rrsig-failure.txt exit 1 fi # signed zone with NSEC missing dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT abc.nsec-failures.test > nsec-failure.txt if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 0c" -e "EDE: 12" nsec-failure.txt then echo "Expired signature does not return EDE NSEC missing" cat nsec-failure.txt exit 1 fi # EDE with CD bit set (EDE but no SERVFAIL) dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT cd.dnskey-failures.test +cd > cd_bit_ede.txt if ! grep -q -e "NXDOMAIN" cd_bit_ede.txt then echo "No NXDOMAIN reply with CD bit set" cat cd_bit_ede.txt exit 1 fi if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 09" -e "EDE: 9" cd_bit_ede.txt then echo "No EDE attached with CD bit set" cat cd_bit_ede.txt exit 1 fi # EDE with CD bit set (EDE but no SERVFAIL) for a cached answer # Same test as above dig @ -p $UNBOUND_PORT cd.dnskey-failures.test +cd > cd_bit_ede.txt if ! grep -q -e "NXDOMAIN" cd_bit_ede.txt then echo "No NXDOMAIN reply with CD bit set for cached answer" cat cd_bit_ede.txt exit 1 fi if ! grep -q -e "OPT=15: 00 09" -e "EDE: 9" cd_bit_ede.txt then echo "No EDE attached with CD bit set for cached answer" cat cd_bit_ede.txt exit 1 fi # TODO DNSSEC indeterminate when implemented