sdesc: "A GPL virus scanner" ldesc: "Clam AntiVirus is a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX, featuring: * command-line scanner * fast, multi-threaded daemon * milter interface for sendmail (not applicable) * database updater with support for digital signatures * virus scanner C library * on-access scanning (Linux and FreeBSD) * detection of over 20000 viruses, worms and trojans * built-in support for RAR (2.0), Zip, Gzip, Bzip2 * built-in support for Mbox, Maildir and raw mail files More information at This binary distribution was built without the Windows UI. You might want to use clamavwin (python wxWindows) instead." category: Utils requires: curl cygwin gmp libbz2_1 minires openssl zlib prev: 0.75-1 curr: 0.80-2