# setup.hint for libmcrypt-2.5.7-2 sdesc: "an encryption library (runtime environment)" ldesc: "Libmcrypt is a library that provides access to several symmetric block and stream encryption algorithms. The following algorithms are implemented: 3-Way, Arcfour, Blowfish, Cast-128 (known as Cast5), Cast-256, DES, Enigma, Gost, Loki97, Panama, RC2, Rijndael-128 (AES), Rijndael-192, Rijndael-256, Safer-sk64, Safer-sk128, Safer+, Serpent, TripleDES, Twofish, Wake, XTea. The block algorithms can be used in the modes CBC, CFB, CTR, ECB, OFB, NOFB and NCFB." category: Libs requires: cygwin