Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic.
The fonts are converted from Metafont sources of the Computer Modern font families, using textrace. Supported encodings are: T1 (Latin), T2A (Cyrillic), LGR (Greek) and TS1. The package also includes Unicode virtual fonts for use with Omega.
The font set is not a replacement for any of the other Computer Modern-based font sets (for example, cm-super for Latin and Cyrillic, or cbgreek for Greek), since it is available at a single size only; it offers a compact set for ‘general’ working. The fonts themselves are encoded to external standards, and virtual fonts are provided for use with TeX.
The author is Alexej Kryukov. The package is Copyright © 2003-2005 Alexej Kryukov.
License: gpl Version: 0.5 Catalogued: 2012-12-31