Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim.
Typewriter-style fonts are best for program listings, but Computer Modern Typewriter prints ` and ' as bent opening and closing single quotes. Other fonts, and most programming languages, print ` as a grave accent and ' upright; ' is used both to open and to close quoted strings.
The package switches the typewriter font to Computer Modern Typewriter in OT1 encoding, and modifies the behaviour of verbatim, verbatim*, \verb, and \verb* to print in the “` and ' way”. It does thisregardless of other fonts or encodings in use, so long as the package is loaded after the other fonts were.
The package does not affect \tt, \texttt, etc.
The authors are Michael Covington, Frank Mittelbach and Markus Kuhn. The package is Copyright © 2003 Michael A. Covington, Frank Mittelbach.
License: lppl1.2 Version: v1.3 Catalogued: 2012-04-19