A collection of metrics for commercial fonts.
A set of font installation packs for commercial fonts (none of which is itself available from CTAN: the user must acquire them from the commercial supplier).
Fonts supported are:
Adobe Garamond, Aldus, Futura, Stempel Garamond, Frutiger, Melior,
Minion, Myriad, Optima, Rotis, Sabon and Syntax;
Berthold ConcordeBE and BaskervilleBQ;
Bitstream Humanist 777 (Frutiger), Letter Gothic, Latin 725
(Meridien), News Gothic, Dutch 809 (Concorde), Zapf Humanist 601
(Optima), Zurich (Univers) and Venetian 301 (Centaur);
FontFont Dingbests, InterOffice and QType Extended Book;
Lintoype Adobe Garamond LT, Aldus LT, ITC Charter, Frutiger Next,
Futura LT, Stempel Garamond LT, Meridien LT, Melior LT, Minion,
Myriad, ITC Officina Sans, Optima Nova, Sabon LT, Syntax LT, ITC
Zapf Chancery LT, Zapf Essentials LT and Zapfino One plus
Monotype TimesNR, NR Seven, Small Text;
Springer SMinion and SMyriad; and
Underware Dolly.
For each font(set) there's a .zip file of metrics, and a .txt file of instructions. In some cases there's also a -source.zip file of fontinst sources for the family.
The author is Walter Schmidt.
License: lppl Catalogued: 2012-06-07