% $ biblatex auxiliary file $ % $ biblatex version 2.1 $ % Do not modify the above lines! % % This is an auxiliary file used by the 'biblatex' package. % This file may safely be deleted. It will be recreated as % required. % \begingroup \makeatletter \@ifundefined{ver@biblatex.sty} {\@latex@error {Missing 'biblatex' package} {The bibliography requires the 'biblatex' package.} \aftergroup\endinput} {} \endgroup \entry{DK:LP}{book}{} \name{author}{1}{}{% {{}% {Knuth}{K.}% {Donald~E.}{D.~E.}% {}{}% {}{}}% } \list{publisher}{1}{% {The University of Chicago Press}% } \strng{namehash}{KDE1} \strng{fullhash}{KDE1} \field{sortinit}{K} \field{title}{{Literate Programming}} \field{year}{1992} \endentry \entry{Knuth:ttb84}{book}{} \name{author}{1}{}{% {{}% {Knuth}{K.}% {Donald~E.}{D.~E.}% {}{}% {}{}}% } \list{publisher}{1}{% {Addison Wesley}% } \strng{namehash}{KDE1} \strng{fullhash}{KDE1} \field{sortinit}{K} \field{title}{The {\TeX}book} \field{year}{1984} \endentry \entry{Lamport:ladps94}{book}{} \name{author}{1}{}{% {{}% {Lamport}{L.}% {Leslie}{L.}% {}{}% {}{}}% } \list{publisher}{1}{% {Addison Wesley}% } \strng{namehash}{LL1} \strng{fullhash}{LL1} \field{sortinit}{L} \field{title}{LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2/e} \field{year}{1994} \endentry \lossort \endlossort \endinput