#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2014 Brent Longborough # Part of gitinfo2 package Version 2 # Please read gitinfo2.pdf for licencing and other details # ----------------------------------------------------- # Post-{commit,checkout,merge} hook for the gitinfo2 package # # Get the first tag found in the history from the current HEAD FIRSTTAG=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty='-*' 2>/dev/null) # Get the first tag in history that looks like a Release RELTAG=$(git describe --tags --long --always --dirty='-*' --match '[0-9]*.*' 2>/dev/null) # Hoover up the metadata git --no-pager log -1 --date=short --decorate=short \ --pretty=format:"\usepackage[% shash={%h}, lhash={%H}, authname={%an}, authemail={%ae}, authsdate={%ad}, authidate={%ai}, authudate={%at}, commname={%an}, commemail={%ae}, commsdate={%ad}, commidate={%ai}, commudate={%at}, refnames={%d}, firsttagdescribe={$FIRSTTAG}, reltag={$RELTAG} ]{gitexinfo}" HEAD > .git/gitHeadInfo.gin