# This shows how to use Asymptote (http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/, # or http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/asymptote/) # with latexmk. Asymptote is a vector graphics language with a # processing program that generates graphics files that can be used in # a LaTex file. # # A standard method of using it is with the asymptote LaTeX style file # (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/asymptote/doc/asymptote.sty) # The graphics drawing code is in the tex file, and applying pdflatex to # the tex file produces one or more files with a base name the same as # or related to the main tex file, but with the extension 'asy'. The # .asy is processed by the program asy (part of the asymptote # software) to produce graphics files (which may be eps, tex, or pdf # files) that are used the next time pdflatex is run on the main tex # file. # # Latexmk can be arranged to run asymptote (i.e., the program asy) # when needed, by defining the following custom dependency. (The code # is to be put in one of latexmk's rc files, e.g., ~/.latexmkrc.) # # The following lines are taken from the documentation for V. 2.03 of # asymptote: sub asy {return system("asy \"$_[0]\"");} add_cus_dep("asy","eps",0,"asy"); add_cus_dep("asy","pdf",0,"asy"); add_cus_dep("asy","tex",0,"asy");