=head1 NAME Tk::InputO - Create and manipulate TIX InputO widgets =for category Tix Extensions =head1 SYNOPSIS I<$inputonly> = I<$parent>-EB(?I?); =head1 STANDARD OPTIONS Only the following three standard options are supported by B: B B B See L for details of the standard options. =head1 WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS B does not have any widget specific options. =head1 DESCRIPTION The B method creates a new window (given by the $widget argument) and makes it into a B widget. Additional options, described above, may be specified on the command line or in the option database to configure aspects of the B such as its cursor or width. B widgets are not visible to the user. The only purpose of B widgets are to accept inputs from the user, which can be done with the B method. =head1 WIDGET METHODS The B method creates a widget object. This object supports the B and B methods described in L which can be used to enquire and modify the options described above. The widget also inherits all the methods provided by the generic L class. =head1 BINDINGS B widgets have no default bindings. =cut