" Vim syntax file " Language: Vim 7.3 script " Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. " Last Change: Jan 11, 2012 " Version: 7.3-13 " Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1 " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded {{{2 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim " vimTodo: contains common special-notices for comments {{{2 " Use the vimCommentGroup cluster to add your own. syn keyword vimTodo contained COMBAK FIXME TODO XXX syn cluster vimCommentGroup contains=vimTodo,@Spell " regular vim commands {{{2 syn keyword vimCommand contained a arga[dd] argu[ment] bd[elete] bN[ext] breakd[el] buf c cal[l] ce[nter] cg[etfile] cl cn cNf comc[lear] cope[n] cr[ewind] d d[elete] diffo diffsplit di[splay] ds[earch] ec e:e:e en endt[ry] exu[sage] filetype fix[del] for go[to] h hi if intro k la lan[guage] lch[dir] let@ lg[etfile] lla[st] lnew[er] lNf[ile] loc[kmarks] lr[ewind] lv[imgrep] ma[rk] messages mkv mv n new noautocmd on[ly] p:~ perld[o] popu[p] p[rint] promptr[epl] ptl[ast] ptr[ewind] py3file q[uit] r[ead] redraws[tatus] ret[ab] r:r:r ru[ntime] sba[ll] sbp[revious] scs sf[ind] sil[ent] sm[ap] sno[magic] so[urce] spellr[epall] st startr[eplace] sunme sw[apname] t tabf[ind] tabn[ext] ta[g] tf[irst] tn tp[revious] tu undoj[oin] up[date] vi vmapc[lear] win wN[ext] wundo xmapc[lear] xnoremenu syn keyword vimCommand contained ab argd[elete] as[cii] bel[owright] bo[tright] breakl[ist] bufdo cabc[lear] cat[ch] cex[pr] c[hange] cla[st] cN cnf[ile] comment co[py] cs de delf diffoff difft dj[ump] dsp[lit] echoe[rr] e:e:r endf endw[hile] f fin fo[ld] fu gr[ep] ha[rdcopy] hid[e] ij[ump] is[earch] keepa lad la[st] lcl[ose] lex[pr] lgr[ep] lli[st] lne[xt] lo lockv[ar] ls lvimgrepa[dd] marks mk mkvie[w] Mycmd N n[ext] noh[lsearch] o[pen] P p:gs? pp[op] P[rint] ps[earch] ptn pts[elect] pyf[ile] quita[ll] rec[over] reg[isters] retu[rn] ru rv[iminfo] sbf[irst] sbr[ewind] scscope sfir[st] sim[alt] sme snoreme s?pat?sub? spellu[ndo] sta[g] stj[ump] sunmenu sy ta tabfir[st] tabN[ext] tags th[row] tN tr tu[nmenu] undol[ist] v vie[w] vne[w] winc[md] wp[revious] wv[iminfo] xme xterm syn keyword vimCommand contained abc[lear] argdo au bf[irst] bp[revious] br[ewind] b[uffer] cad cb[uffer] cf[ile] changes cl[ist] cnew[er] cNf[ile] comp[iler] count cscope debug delf[unction] DiffOrig diffthis dl[ist] dwim echom[sg] el[se] endfo[r] ene[w] f[ile] fina[lly] foldc[lose] fun grepa[dd] h[elp] his[tory] il[ist] isp[lit] keepalt laddb[uffer] lat lcs lf[ile] lgrepa[dd] lmak[e] lN[ext] loadk lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] mat[ch] mkdir mkv[imrc] MyCommand nbc[lose] N[ext] nu[mber] opt[ions] pc[lose] p:h pr pro p:t ptN pu[t] py[thon] quote red Ren rew[ind] rub[y] sal[l] sbl[ast] sb[uffer] se[t] sh[ell] sl smenu snoremenu spe spellw[rong] star st[op] sus[pend] syn tab tabl[ast] tabo[nly] tc[l] tj[ump] tn[ext] t:r u unh[ide] ve vim[grep] vs[plit] windo wq x xmenu xunme syn keyword vimCommand contained abo[veleft] arge[dit] bad[d] bl[ast] br bro[wse] buffers caddb[uffer] cc cfir[st] chd[ir] clo[se] cn[ext] col[der] con cpf[ile] cstag debugg[reedy] delm[arks] diffp diffu[pdate] do e echon elsei[f] endfun Error filename fin[d] folddoc[losed] fu[nction] gs?pat?sub? helpf[ind] i imapc[lear] iuna[bbrev] keepj[umps] lad[dexpr] later lcscope lfir[st] lh[elpgrep] lmapc[lear] lnf loadkeymap lop[en] lua ma menut mk[exrc] mo mz nb[key] nkf o ownsyntax pe p:h:h p:r profd[el] pta[g] ptn[ext] pw[d] python3 r redi[r] Rena ri[ght] rubyd[o] san[dbox] sbm[odified] scrip setf[iletype] si sla[st] sn[ext] s@\n@\=\r" spelld[ump] sp[lit] start stopi[nsert] s?version?main? sync tabc[lose] tabm[ove] tabp[revious] tcld[o] tl[ast] tN[ext] tr[ewind] un unl verb[ose] vimgrepa[dd] w winp[os] wqa[ll] X XMLent xunmenu syn keyword vimCommand contained al[l] argg[lobal] ba[ll] bm[odified] brea[k] browseset bun[load] cad[dexpr] ccl[ose] cgetb[uffer] che[ckpath] cmapc[lear] cN[ext] colo[rscheme] conf[irm] cp[revious] cuna[bbrev] del di diffpatch dig doau ea e[dit] em[enu] endf[unction] ex files fini[sh] foldd[oopen] g gui helpg[rep] ia in j[oin] kee[pmarks] laddf[ile] lb[uffer] le[ft] lgetb[uffer] l[ist] lN lNf lo[adview] lpf[ile] luado mak[e] menut[ranslate] mks[ession] mod[e] mzf[ile] nbs[tart] nmapc[lear] ol[dfiles] p ped[it] po[p] pre[serve] prof[ile] ptf[irst] ptN[ext] py q re red[o] Renu rightb[elow] rubyf[ile] sa[rgument] sbn[ext] scripte[ncoding] setg[lobal] sig sl[eep] sN[ext] so spe[llgood] spr[evious] startg[replace] sts[elect] s?version?main?:p syncbind tabd[o] tabN tabr[ewind] tclf[ile] tm TOhtml try una[bbreviate] unlo[ckvar] ve[rsion] vi[sual] wa[ll] win[size] w[rite] xa[ll] XMLns xwininfo syn keyword vimCommand contained Allargs argl[ocal] bar bn[ext] breaka[dd] bu bw[ipeout] caddf[ile] cd cgete[xpr] checkt[ime] cmdname cnf com con[tinue] cq[uit] cw[indow] delc[ommand] diffg[et] diffpu[t] dig[raphs] dr[op] earlier e:e emenu* en[dif] exi[t] filet fir[st] foldo[pen] get gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] index ju[mps] l lan lc[d] lefta[bove] lgete[xpr] ll lne lnf[ile] locale lp[revious] luafile Man mes mksp[ell] m[ove] mz[scheme] ne noa omapc[lear] p: pe[rl] popu prev[ious] promptf[ind] ptj[ump] ptp[revious] py3 qa[ll] r:e redr[aw] res[ize] r:r rundo sav[eas] sbN[ext] scrip[tnames] setl[ocal] sign sm[agic] sni[ff] sor[t] spelli[nfo] sre[wind] star[tinsert] sun[hide] sv[iew] synlist tabe[dit] tabnew tabs te[aroff] tm[enu] to[pleft] ts[elect] u[ndo] uns[ilent] vert[ical] viu[sage] wh[ile] wn[ext] ws[verb] x[it] xnoreme y[ank] syn keyword vimCommand contained ar ar[gs] syn match vimCommand contained "\