Connector/NET comprises several classes that are used to connect to the database, execute queries and statements, and manage query results.
The following are the major classes of Connector/NET:
: Represents an SQL statement
to execute against a MySQL database.
: Automatically
generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made
to a DataSet with the associated MySQL database.
: Represents an open
connection to a MySQL Server database.
: Represents a set of data
commands and a database connection that are used to fill a
dataset and update a MySQL database.
: Provides a means of
reading a forward-only stream of rows from a MySQL database.
: The exception that is
thrown when MySQL returns an error.
: Helper class that makes it
easier to work with the provider.
: Represents an SQL
transaction to be made in a MySQL database.
This section contains basic information and examples for each of the above classes. For a more detailed reference guide please see Sección 25.2.4, “Connector/NET Reference”.
Ésta es una traducción del manual de referencia de MySQL, que puede encontrarse en dev.mysql.com. El manual de referencia original de MySQL está escrito en inglés, y esta traducción no necesariamente está tan actualizada como la versión original. Para cualquier sugerencia sobre la traducción y para señalar errores de cualquier tipo, no dude en dirigirse a mysql-es@vespito.com.