There are currently two version of Connector/ODBC available:
Connector/ODBC 5.0, currently in beta status, has been designed to extend the functionality of the Connector/ODBC 3.51 driver and incorporate full support for the functionality in the MySQL 5.0 server release, including stored procedures and views. Applications using Connector/ODBC 3.51 will be compatible with Connector/ODBC 5.0, while being able to take advantage of the new features. Features and functionality of the Connector/ODBC 5.0 driver are not currently included in this guide.
Connector/ODBC 3.51 is the current release of the 32-bit ODBC driver, also known as the MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver. This version is enhanced compared to the older Connector/ODBC 2.50 driver. It has support for ODBC 3.5x specification level 1 (complete core API + level 2 features) in order to continue to provide all functionality of ODBC for accessing MySQL.
MyODBC 2.50 is the previous version of the 32-bit ODBC driver from MySQL AB that is based on ODBC 2.50 specification level 0 (with level 1 and 2 features). Information about the MyODBC 2.50 driver is included in this guide for the purposes of comparison only.
From this section onward, the primary focus of this guide is the Connector/ODBC 3.51 driver. More information about the MyODBC 2.50 driver in the documentation included in the installation packages for that version. If there is a specific issue (error or known problem) that only affects the 2.50 version, it may be included here for reference.
Version numbers for MySQL products are formatted as X.X.X. However, Windows tools (Control Panel, properties display) may show the version numbers as XX.XX.XX. For example, the official MySQL formatted version number 5.0.9 may be displayed by Windows tools as 5.00.09. The two versions are the same; only the number display format is different.
Ésta es una traducción del manual de referencia de MySQL, que puede encontrarse en El manual de referencia original de MySQL está escrito en inglés, y esta traducción no necesariamente está tan actualizada como la versión original. Para cualquier sugerencia sobre la traducción y para señalar errores de cualquier tipo, no dude en dirigirse a