#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "mysql.h" MYSQL *mysql; MYSQL_RES *results; MYSQL_ROW record; static char *server_options[] = \ { "mysql_test", "--defaults-file=my.cnf", NULL }; int num_elements = (sizeof(server_options) / sizeof(char *)) - 1; static char *server_groups[] = { "libmysqld_server", "libmysqld_client", NULL }; int main(void) { mysql_library_init(num_elements, server_options, server_groups); mysql = mysql_init(NULL); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "libmysqld_client"); mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, NULL); mysql_real_connect(mysql, NULL,NULL,NULL, "database1", 0,NULL,0); mysql_query(mysql, "SELECT column1, column2 FROM table1"); results = mysql_store_result(mysql); while((record = mysql_fetch_row(results))) { printf("%s - %s \n", record[0], record[1]); } mysql_free_result(results); mysql_close(mysql); mysql_library_end(); return 0; }
gcc test1_libmysqld.c -o test1_libmysqld -lz \ `/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --include --libmysqld-libs`
その例を実際に試してみるために、 MySQL
/* * A simple example client, using the embedded MySQL server library */ #include <mysql.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> MYSQL *db_connect(const char *dbname); void db_disconnect(MYSQL *db); void db_do_query(MYSQL *db, const char *query); const char *server_groups[] = { "test2_libmysqld_SERVER", "embedded", "server", NULL }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { MYSQL *one, *two; /* mysql_library_init() must be called before any other mysql * functions. * * You can use mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL), and it * initializes the server using groups = { * "server", "embedded", NULL * }. * * In your $HOME/.my.cnf file, you probably want to put: [test2_libmysqld_SERVER] language = /path/to/source/of/mysql/sql/share/english * You could, of course, modify argc and argv before passing * them to this function. Or you could create new ones in any * way you like. But all of the arguments in argv (except for * argv[0], which is the program name) should be valid options * for the MySQL server. * * If you link this client against the normal mysqlclient * library, this function is just a stub that does nothing. */ mysql_library_init(argc, argv, (char **)server_groups); one = db_connect("test"); two = db_connect(NULL); db_do_query(one, "SHOW TABLE STATUS"); db_do_query(two, "SHOW DATABASES"); mysql_close(two); mysql_close(one); /* This must be called after all other mysql functions */ mysql_library_end(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void die(MYSQL *db, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); (void)putc('\n', stderr); if (db) db_disconnect(db); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } MYSQL * db_connect(const char *dbname) { MYSQL *db = mysql_init(NULL); if (!db) die(db, "mysql_init failed: no memory"); /* * Notice that the client and server use separate group names. * This is critical, because the server does not accept the * client's options, and vice versa. */ mysql_options(db, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "test2_libmysqld_CLIENT"); if (!mysql_real_connect(db, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbname, 0, NULL, 0)) die(db, "mysql_real_connect failed: %s", mysql_error(db)); return db; } void db_disconnect(MYSQL *db) { mysql_close(db); } void db_do_query(MYSQL *db, const char *query) { if (mysql_query(db, query) != 0) goto err; if (mysql_field_count(db) > 0) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row, end_row; int num_fields; if (!(res = mysql_store_result(db))) goto err; num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { (void)fputs(">> ", stdout); for (end_row = row + num_fields; row < end_row; ++row) (void)printf("%s\t", row ? (char*)*row : "NULL"); (void)fputc('\n', stdout); } (void)fputc('\n', stdout); mysql_free_result(res); } else (void)printf("Affected rows: %lld\n", mysql_affected_rows(db)); return; err: die(db, "db_do_query failed: %s [%s]", mysql_error(db), query); }
# This assumes the MySQL software is installed in /usr/local/mysql inc := /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql lib := /usr/local/mysql/lib # If you have not installed the MySQL software yet, try this instead #inc := $(HOME)/mysql-5.1/include #lib := $(HOME)/mysql-5.1/libmysqld CC := gcc CPPFLAGS := -I$(inc) -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT CFLAGS := -g -W -Wall LDFLAGS := -static # You can change -lmysqld to -lmysqlclient to use the # client/server library LDLIBS = -L$(lib) -lmysqld -lz -lm -lcrypt ifneq (,$(shell grep FreeBSD /COPYRIGHT 2>/dev/null)) # FreeBSD LDFLAGS += -pthread else # Assume Linux LDLIBS += -lpthread endif # This works for simple one-file test programs sources := $(wildcard *.c) objects := $(patsubst %c,%o,$(sources)) targets := $(basename $(sources)) all: $(targets) clean: rm -f $(targets) $(objects) *.core